tak terkawal da rase nye kemalasan nk update blog, tp fariez gagahkn jue~
kne update jugak, before someone think i am dead.
erm hurm, kt mane nk start...
okie, 1st of all.. nk ucapkan Selamat myambut MAAL HIJRAH.
walaupun lambat.(tak la lmbt sgt kn).hopefully sume org,(readers) da ade matlamat baru untuk tahun baru. tak best la gune y tahun lepas punye..buat matlamat baru, baru rase semngat..he~ taun nie fariez nye matlamat nk dapat straight A , he :) bile pikir balik, cam over je matlamat tue, sbb bukan senang tau nk dpat A for all subjects. those who willing to sacrifice je mampu.frz siap tnye mak lg,"klu akak dpat straight A mak kasi hadiah tak?"
mak kate..boleh, dapatkan dulu A tu.. :) yippe~
hari nie, baru frz rs perasaan cuti..ala, paham kn perasaan tue cmne..rase freey sgt2 free. tambah2 frz baru lepas midterm hr tue, and block neuroscience pun da abes. baju2 da siap lipat. bilek da vacuum, takde notes y kne buat, da cuci freezer. gembire je~
so frz decide to post new entry.
obviously, frz da tukar layout baru untuk blog nie. before nie cam coklat-kelembutan gitu. tp skng da gelap_kelabu_hitam. it is not that frz suke kaler hitam, (yes, my fav colour is black) but frz tak rs best pun sgt klu blog ni warne hitam. tp,haha at last, frz gune jugak layout nie, cause it can link u here n there. rs cm best. he~ mintak maap la, klu buang mse korang je nk g kne klick2 .
:) okie. tue je kot for this time. chaow~
oo n njoy clicking my blog. :P
December 29, 2008
November 07, 2008
gambate fariez!
bukan da tak suke. bukan myampah.
tapi da kurang rase..
takkan nak pakse2..
biar kan je la die.
fariez bukan da tak minat nk blogging.
tapi nk kurangkan.
nak study lebih lagi tahun nie.insyallah.
tapi da kurang rase..
takkan nak pakse2..
biar kan je la die.
fariez bukan da tak minat nk blogging.
tapi nk kurangkan.
nak study lebih lagi tahun nie.insyallah.
October 25, 2008
semarak fitrah.
first of all, nak mintak maap kt paan ngn shida sbb tak buat pun tag y korang suh buat.
sori3. frz suke je buat mende alah tu, tapi cm buzy la lately. dr msia , nak siap2 barang blik sini.sibuk raye lagi.. smpai kt alex lak, nk setel kn pasal rumah,bilik, buku2 and all.haish.but alhamdulillah, sume da settel down, baru feel nk post entry kt blog.
well,actually, frz nk share pasal jamuan raye Semarak Fitrah anjuran PERUBATAN smlm. 1st time frz dapat join program tahunan ni. selalu nye buzy je.tak pun tak de rse nk pegi. tahun nie awal2 lagi frz da tekad nk pegi, tak kesah pun klau kawan2 laen tak nk ikut. nekad abes-abesan la. nak tahu sbb ape.sbb frz nk jumpe seseorang kat cairo, a guy.wewe~huh? okie2 , bukan2 .frz tipu plus maen2 je. frz bukn nk jumpe org pun. frz pergi cairo dgn niat nk mkn nasi impit ngn rendang.rs cam ampeh je.semate2 nk g mkn. bak kate Hani, dgn tambang tren pergi n balik, ngn yuran 10 ghenih( 10 egyptian pound), makan shami lagi berbaloi. malang nye, pujukan hani tak berjaye. frz tegar ngn niat, nk g rye kt cairo.
smbil mkn kite leh jumpe kawan2 dr muhafazah laen.mgeratkn silaturrahim. merapatkn hubungan adek dan kakak.memupuk rase kekeluargaan sesame sudara Islam.lagipun, pengalaman tak dpat, kalau kite tak cari.frz nk g cari pengalaman la ni. :)
alhmdulillah, disebabkn ramai yang berminat nk beraye kat cairo, pihak ade pihak yang meyediakn bas.perjalanan pun lancar.students dr alex mmg semngt, awal2 lagi da smpai,dalam kul 2 cmtu. padahal majlis start kul 3.30pm. elok2 je kami smpai dekat pintu nk msuk ke tempat smbutan raye. ribut pasir melanda.dramatik betul.dalam keadaan perut yang lapar,(breakfast nasi goreng pg2 td, nie da ptg,tak mkn ape pun) dalam hati berdoa je harap2 tak hujan.
otak masing2 buat inferens
siti *: kalau hujan boleh la mkn banayk, sbb mesti ramai tak datang.
Milah* : ish kalau hujan , abesla makanan basah.
(berikut adalah bukan nama sebenar)
he~ notice di situ, rupenye niat kebnyakkn pelajar mmg satu.which is FOOD.
Namun, akhirnye, langit memuntahkn jugak hujan.setelah sekian lame nye cairo tak ditimpa hujan.akhirnye.. bersyukur la sekalian manusia, sesungguhnye hujan itu membawa rahmat.
makanan tak basah pun. :)
majlis telah delay 2 jam jugak la.( sbb hujankan, jamuan buat kat taman, carpet2 basah, kusi meja pun basah,pelita2 pun basah.(syg betul pelita kne hujan,mesti tak senang nk wat pelita2 tue)) ape2 pun tahniah buat ajk2 smbutan raye, yang mmg nampak cool, n gembire je walaupun baju basah kuyup tolak air.saspek respek la kt korang. :)
to be honest, frz bg tumpuan smpai ucapan Tengku Kadir je, after that, da hilang fokus, tak tahu ape y jadi dekat stage tu. adela sbb2 nye.(no need kot all the details).erm, seterusnye cte pasal makanan. muahaha. poor me. takde pun rendang. setelah seharian berlapar lepas magrib baru mkn, n rendang yang diharapkn takde pun. tp ade satay .alhmdulillah.
waktu mkn frz mmg tak layan da org. korang nk snap gambr ke. nk g tgk persembahan ke, nk tgk no cabutan bertuah ke, nk g berebut seat kt depan ke..gi la.. frz duk belakang pun okie.sy nk mkn diam2 smbil menikmati pemandangan.ha. lupe lak. frz suke setting jamuan mlm tu, kat taman, udare rs cm sgt segar n cuace y nyaman.erm..perfect la.
lps, mkn baru cari tempt kt depan.he. frz tak tahu lak abg nazri raihan ade buat persembahan mlm tue. terkejut jugak la. frz minat kumpulan raihan. xpecially abg nazrey..rs cam mimpi je dapat tgk die wat persembahan live depan mate.nasiaht2 abg nazrey semalm, meyentuh perasaan jugak la. (he, frz mmg emotional) die pesan jgn khianat mak ayah. sebenarnye kalau kite buang mase tak study betul2 pun da kire mengkhiamati parents kite. frz cam..wa~menusuk kalbu. frz slalu buang mase.insafla frz.(hrp nye tak sekejap rs insaf ni.insyallah.)
pkul 9 cmtu, frz n students alex yang laen bertolak balik.ayuh la pulang..esok kite ade lecture.
perjalanan pergi 5 jam,(termsukbenti solat jumaat) perjalanan balik 2 jam 30 min je. memang cm roket pakcik tue bawak bas.
over all, frz hepi pegi sambutan raye.
mungkin tahun depan boleh la frz join lagi.
sori3. frz suke je buat mende alah tu, tapi cm buzy la lately. dr msia , nak siap2 barang blik sini.sibuk raye lagi.. smpai kt alex lak, nk setel kn pasal rumah,bilik, buku2 and all.haish.but alhamdulillah, sume da settel down, baru feel nk post entry kt blog.
well,actually, frz nk share pasal jamuan raye Semarak Fitrah anjuran PERUBATAN smlm. 1st time frz dapat join program tahunan ni. selalu nye buzy je.tak pun tak de rse nk pegi. tahun nie awal2 lagi frz da tekad nk pegi, tak kesah pun klau kawan2 laen tak nk ikut. nekad abes-abesan la. nak tahu sbb ape.sbb frz nk jumpe seseorang kat cairo, a guy.wewe~huh? okie2 , bukan2 .frz tipu plus maen2 je. frz bukn nk jumpe org pun. frz pergi cairo dgn niat nk mkn nasi impit ngn rendang.rs cam ampeh je.semate2 nk g mkn. bak kate Hani, dgn tambang tren pergi n balik, ngn yuran 10 ghenih( 10 egyptian pound), makan shami lagi berbaloi. malang nye, pujukan hani tak berjaye. frz tegar ngn niat, nk g rye kt cairo.
smbil mkn kite leh jumpe kawan2 dr muhafazah laen.mgeratkn silaturrahim. merapatkn hubungan adek dan kakak.memupuk rase kekeluargaan sesame sudara Islam.lagipun, pengalaman tak dpat, kalau kite tak cari.frz nk g cari pengalaman la ni. :)
alhmdulillah, disebabkn ramai yang berminat nk beraye kat cairo, pihak ade pihak yang meyediakn bas.perjalanan pun lancar.students dr alex mmg semngt, awal2 lagi da smpai,dalam kul 2 cmtu. padahal majlis start kul 3.30pm. elok2 je kami smpai dekat pintu nk msuk ke tempat smbutan raye. ribut pasir melanda.dramatik betul.dalam keadaan perut yang lapar,(breakfast nasi goreng pg2 td, nie da ptg,tak mkn ape pun) dalam hati berdoa je harap2 tak hujan.
otak masing2 buat inferens
siti *: kalau hujan boleh la mkn banayk, sbb mesti ramai tak datang.
Milah* : ish kalau hujan , abesla makanan basah.
(berikut adalah bukan nama sebenar)
he~ notice di situ, rupenye niat kebnyakkn pelajar mmg satu.which is FOOD.
Namun, akhirnye, langit memuntahkn jugak hujan.setelah sekian lame nye cairo tak ditimpa hujan.akhirnye.. bersyukur la sekalian manusia, sesungguhnye hujan itu membawa rahmat.
makanan tak basah pun. :)
majlis telah delay 2 jam jugak la.( sbb hujankan, jamuan buat kat taman, carpet2 basah, kusi meja pun basah,pelita2 pun basah.(syg betul pelita kne hujan,mesti tak senang nk wat pelita2 tue)) ape2 pun tahniah buat ajk2 smbutan raye, yang mmg nampak cool, n gembire je walaupun baju basah kuyup tolak air.
to be honest, frz bg tumpuan smpai ucapan Tengku Kadir je, after that, da hilang fokus, tak tahu ape y jadi dekat stage tu. adela sbb2 nye.(no need kot all the details).erm, seterusnye cte pasal makanan. muahaha. poor me. takde pun rendang. setelah seharian berlapar lepas magrib baru mkn, n rendang yang diharapkn takde pun. tp ade satay .alhmdulillah.
waktu mkn frz mmg tak layan da org. korang nk snap gambr ke. nk g tgk persembahan ke, nk tgk no cabutan bertuah ke, nk g berebut seat kt depan ke..gi la.. frz duk belakang pun okie.sy nk mkn diam2 smbil menikmati pemandangan.ha. lupe lak. frz suke setting jamuan mlm tu, kat taman, udare rs cm sgt segar n cuace y nyaman.erm..perfect la.
lps, mkn baru cari tempt kt depan.he. frz tak tahu lak abg nazri raihan ade buat persembahan mlm tue. terkejut jugak la. frz minat kumpulan raihan. xpecially abg nazrey..rs cam mimpi je dapat tgk die wat persembahan live depan mate.nasiaht2 abg nazrey semalm, meyentuh perasaan jugak la. (he, frz mmg emotional) die pesan jgn khianat mak ayah. sebenarnye kalau kite buang mase tak study betul2 pun da kire mengkhiamati parents kite. frz cam..wa~menusuk kalbu. frz slalu buang mase.insafla frz.(hrp nye tak sekejap rs insaf ni.insyallah.)
pkul 9 cmtu, frz n students alex yang laen bertolak balik.ayuh la pulang..esok kite ade lecture.
perjalanan pergi 5 jam,(termsukbenti solat jumaat) perjalanan balik 2 jam 30 min je. memang cm roket pakcik tue bawak bas.
over all, frz hepi pegi sambutan raye.
mungkin tahun depan boleh la frz join lagi.
October 22, 2008
September 13, 2008
tertarik dgn celoteh pengacare nasi lemak kopi O pagi tadi.
katanye zaman skng nie,sebelum berkenalan,sebelum bercinta,waktu chatting contohnye, soalan pertama y kite kne tnye..
pembawa thalassemia selalu nye sihat. takde masalah kesihatan.
amitha bachan carrier thalessemia.pemain bola zidane juga,
tetapi jika pembawa thalassemia berkawen dgn pasangannye yang juga pembawa thalasemia.peratusan untuk zuriat mereka mendapat penyakit thalasemia sgt tinggi.
ape Thalassemia ni sebenarnye??
in simple words ialah penyakit sel darah merah.cel darah merah yang normal
terdiri daripada hemoglobin.bagi pesaki thalassemia,structure hemoglobin
mereka kinda tak normal.itu yang menimbulkn masalah.
untuk maklumat lanjut, pegi la wikipedia, or visit here.
so reader(s) adakah anda pembawa gene thalassemia??
actually, frz pun tak tahu frz nie pembawe ke tak. mcm mane kite nk tahu kite ni pembawe penyakit nie atau tak eh?dgr kate, kerajaan kite dlm usaha nak myedarkan rakyat malaysia tentang penyakit ini, dan sedang diadakan screen test percuma untuk kite test sama ada kite carrier atau sihat sesihat2 nye.tapi frz tak sure lak tempat die kat mane, kat hospital2 kerajaan kot.
erm, tapi peratus orang pembawa thalassemia ni sgt sgt sgt rendah sebenarnye. satu dalam 10 ribu eh? tak sure2.. maka, peratus seorang wanita pembawa thalassemia berkahwin dgn seorang lelaki yang juga carrier lagi2 la rendah. sbb tue lecturer fariez cakap,mereka adalah pasangan yang kurang bernasib baek.
omputih kte, prevent is better than cure.
maka, soalan awak nie carrier thalassemia atau tak mmg relevan untuk digunakan.kn kn?
katanye zaman skng nie,sebelum berkenalan,sebelum bercinta,waktu chatting contohnye, soalan pertama y kite kne tnye..
"awak nie pembawa Thalassemia/carrier thalassemia?"hehehe.cm klaka pulak.tp bile pikir2, actually bende ni penting tau.
pembawa thalassemia selalu nye sihat. takde masalah kesihatan.
amitha bachan carrier thalessemia.pemain bola zidane juga,
tetapi jika pembawa thalassemia berkawen dgn pasangannye yang juga pembawa thalasemia.peratusan untuk zuriat mereka mendapat penyakit thalasemia sgt tinggi.
ape Thalassemia ni sebenarnye??
in simple words ialah penyakit sel darah merah.cel darah merah yang normal
terdiri daripada hemoglobin.bagi pesaki thalassemia,structure hemoglobin
mereka kinda tak normal.itu yang menimbulkn masalah.
untuk maklumat lanjut, pegi la wikipedia, or visit here.
so reader(s) adakah anda pembawa gene thalassemia??
actually, frz pun tak tahu frz nie pembawe ke tak. mcm mane kite nk tahu kite ni pembawe penyakit nie atau tak eh?dgr kate, kerajaan kite dlm usaha nak myedarkan rakyat malaysia tentang penyakit ini, dan sedang diadakan screen test percuma untuk kite test sama ada kite carrier atau sihat sesihat2 nye.tapi frz tak sure lak tempat die kat mane, kat hospital2 kerajaan kot.
erm, tapi peratus orang pembawa thalassemia ni sgt sgt sgt rendah sebenarnye. satu dalam 10 ribu eh? tak sure2.. maka, peratus seorang wanita pembawa thalassemia berkahwin dgn seorang lelaki yang juga carrier lagi2 la rendah. sbb tue lecturer fariez cakap,mereka adalah pasangan yang kurang bernasib baek.
omputih kte, prevent is better than cure.
maka, soalan awak nie carrier thalassemia atau tak mmg relevan untuk digunakan.kn kn?
September 11, 2008
in short..
sy syg die. sgt2. sgt sgt sgt..
walaupun die slalu usik sy dgn binatang2 y mengelikan.
seyes tarak tipu punye.
sy lebeh syg die bile die blikan sy kasut baru. earings baru. :)
sayang mak.
kat rumah skng tgk tv bnyak jugak.
amboi, cantek2 pelakon cte venizuela nih.
(huh, betul ke spelling die)
bukan cantek je, malah seksi u.
ish bulan puse nie, berkurang pahale puase.
tgk cte indon jom. soleha. :)
"fyi, i nak buat album "
dialog karina dalam cte Sutera Maya.
bleh la frz gune ayat tue. gahaha..
anway, terima kaseh juri yang sudi mdengar persembahan sy.
malam tue frz bwk 3 buah lagu.gempak kn. wink2* (kenyit mate sket)
tak sanggke dapat melayakkn diri ke peringkat seterusnye.he~
bulan pusase, penuh dgn pegampunan NYA.
pesan2 dekat hati..jgn putus asa mohon di ampun kn dose2.
lagi 29 hari lagi..
kepade nana, beyl n rakan2 yang kuar g sunway esok.
n group kedua, ez,haida , ftmah n wani' y trun Kl.
have fun. sob2, sedey lak tak dapat join.
(nk upload gambr, tp cm mls)
till then, da~
walaupun die slalu usik sy dgn binatang2 y mengelikan.
seyes tarak tipu punye.
sy lebeh syg die bile die blikan sy kasut baru. earings baru. :)
sayang mak.
kat rumah skng tgk tv bnyak jugak.
amboi, cantek2 pelakon cte venizuela nih.
(huh, betul ke spelling die)
bukan cantek je, malah seksi u.
ish bulan puse nie, berkurang pahale puase.
tgk cte indon jom. soleha. :)
"fyi, i nak buat album "
dialog karina dalam cte Sutera Maya.
bleh la frz gune ayat tue. gahaha..
anway, terima kaseh juri yang sudi mdengar persembahan sy.
malam tue frz bwk 3 buah lagu.gempak kn. wink2* (kenyit mate sket)
tak sanggke dapat melayakkn diri ke peringkat seterusnye.he~
bulan pusase, penuh dgn pegampunan NYA.
pesan2 dekat hati..jgn putus asa mohon di ampun kn dose2.
lagi 29 hari lagi..
kepade nana, beyl n rakan2 yang kuar g sunway esok.
n group kedua, ez,haida , ftmah n wani' y trun Kl.
have fun. sob2, sedey lak tak dapat join.
(nk upload gambr, tp cm mls)
till then, da~
September 09, 2008
maen sejuk :)
fix you - coldplay
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home,
And ignite your bones,
And I will try to fix you,
High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home,
And ignite your bones,
And I will try to fix you,
High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
song lyrics
September 05, 2008
syampoo sunsilk.
panas hati nie.
hobi die keluar rumah.ptg2 die keluar.lepas magrib baru balik.
org cakap die buat tak paham je. mmg die tak paham pun sebenarnye.
balik rumah badan luka2, bergaduh dgn jiran2la tue..ape nk jadi??
hari nie, nak dekat isyak baru smpai rumah.
basah kuyup badan die.takde pulak hujan kat luar.
eeee.busuk.bau longkang?sape suruh maen air longkang ni??
jomla akak syampoo kan..
len kali kalau rase nk mandi malam2, maen longkang lagi tau.
"sabar fariez, bukan sume kucing reti duduk diam kat rumah"
hobi die keluar rumah.ptg2 die keluar.lepas magrib baru balik.
org cakap die buat tak paham je. mmg die tak paham pun sebenarnye.
balik rumah badan luka2, bergaduh dgn jiran2la tue..ape nk jadi??
hari nie, nak dekat isyak baru smpai rumah.
basah kuyup badan die.takde pulak hujan kat luar.
eeee.busuk.bau longkang?sape suruh maen air longkang ni??
jomla akak syampoo kan..
len kali kalau rase nk mandi malam2, maen longkang lagi tau.
"sabar fariez, bukan sume kucing reti duduk diam kat rumah"
September 04, 2008
result is out
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya result exam yang di nanti2 da pun keluar.
lega rase hati ni, bila dapat sms dari Dila di Mesir, fariez tak payah repeat paper.
alhamdulillah2... dapat beraye bersama kelurga tahun ini.buat kawan2 mabrouk 'alaik!
kagum jugak fariez, dalam keadaan pihak university meningkatkan gred, masih ramai lagi yang dapat A. tahniah buat leyl berjaya mengekalkn keputusan yang cemerlang , A untuk semua matapelajaran ( 10 matapelajaran semua nya). Bukan la perkara yang mudah untuk itu. pasti byk y Leyl korbankan untuk study die. semoge leyl dapat meneruskn kecemerlangan nye untuk sem depan, insyallah.
fariez nk tanam azam, untuk lebihi gigih berusaha sem 5 nanti. student y power, like jojie, innocent, dila sile beri tunjuk ajar okie. wink*
fyi, hari nie , 5 sept, birthday ayah fariez. harap2 yang bace blog nie boleh la sedekah kan al fatihah buat ayah fariez. semoga roh nya tenang dan aman di sana.
owh, fariez belum wish reader lagi..
" selamat myambut ramadhan!, kullu sanah wa antum bi kheir"
lega rase hati ni, bila dapat sms dari Dila di Mesir, fariez tak payah repeat paper.
alhamdulillah2... dapat beraye bersama kelurga tahun ini.buat kawan2 mabrouk 'alaik!
kagum jugak fariez, dalam keadaan pihak university meningkatkan gred, masih ramai lagi yang dapat A. tahniah buat leyl berjaya mengekalkn keputusan yang cemerlang , A untuk semua matapelajaran ( 10 matapelajaran semua nya). Bukan la perkara yang mudah untuk itu. pasti byk y Leyl korbankan untuk study die. semoge leyl dapat meneruskn kecemerlangan nye untuk sem depan, insyallah.
fariez nk tanam azam, untuk lebihi gigih berusaha sem 5 nanti. student y power, like jojie, innocent, dila sile beri tunjuk ajar okie. wink*
fyi, hari nie , 5 sept, birthday ayah fariez. harap2 yang bace blog nie boleh la sedekah kan al fatihah buat ayah fariez. semoga roh nya tenang dan aman di sana.
owh, fariez belum wish reader lagi..
" selamat myambut ramadhan!, kullu sanah wa antum bi kheir"
September 02, 2008
sape paling malas
sape paling malas, di ceritakan oleh nani di saat frz rase diri ini paling malas di dunia ini.
camni cite die, mase zaman dulu2, sultan sebuah negeri nie,beliau nak tau la..
antara rakyat2 die, sape yang paling mlas.
datang la 3 pemuda..
sultan: ape yang myebabkn awak ni org y pling mals di dunia?
p1 : sy la y pling malas skali..sampai kn, kalu sy nak mkn , sy akn suruh org y masakn untuk sy..
p2: sy lagi la mls. sbb nye kalau sy lapar sy siap suruh org suapkn sy.
sultan:awak pula bagaimana??
p3: sy, huh! malas aku nk cite!
camni cite die, mase zaman dulu2, sultan sebuah negeri nie,beliau nak tau la..
antara rakyat2 die, sape yang paling mlas.
datang la 3 pemuda..
sultan: ape yang myebabkn awak ni org y pling mals di dunia?
p1 : sy la y pling malas skali..sampai kn, kalu sy nak mkn , sy akn suruh org y masakn untuk sy..
p2: sy lagi la mls. sbb nye kalau sy lapar sy siap suruh org suapkn sy.
sultan:awak pula bagaimana??
p3: sy, huh! malas aku nk cite!
August 27, 2008
shah alam
wut happen when a couple of best friend at last meet again after a year of being apart?
well, they gone crazy if they do.they will be a non stop conversations. they become them self again, who are bubbly, happy go lucky. u can say anything bout their craziness, but they won't hear u. they dun even care. that's us. (fariez n nani)
okie2. hye reader(s)..
im in a well n good mood, at least at this moment. and i hope your mood today as good as mine too.
im now in shah alam, nani's hometown. it's already my 4th day in here. so many fun n interesting things happened lately.like we went shopping from noon till nite. had a car break down at the middle of road at middle of nite, work as makcik canteen which is soo much fun with the kids, then we went to saloon for a new n cool hair cut ( which i really love it), went to muzeum shah alam for lawatan smbil belajar :) .
n tomorrow is a ay which we will remember, nanie's engagement . im so excited.all the preparation is almost done. i hope that everything going to be just fine tomorrow.
well, they gone crazy if they do.they will be a non stop conversations. they become them self again, who are bubbly, happy go lucky. u can say anything bout their craziness, but they won't hear u. they dun even care. that's us. (fariez n nani)
okie2. hye reader(s)..
im in a well n good mood, at least at this moment. and i hope your mood today as good as mine too.
im now in shah alam, nani's hometown. it's already my 4th day in here. so many fun n interesting things happened lately.like we went shopping from noon till nite. had a car break down at the middle of road at middle of nite, work as makcik canteen which is soo much fun with the kids, then we went to saloon for a new n cool hair cut ( which i really love it), went to muzeum shah alam for lawatan smbil belajar :) .
n tomorrow is a ay which we will remember, nanie's engagement . im so excited.all the preparation is almost done. i hope that everything going to be just fine tomorrow.
August 25, 2008
back to nature

back to nature.pulang ke alam semula jadi.
kan sy ckp sy blik kg last week. ni kmpung mmg real kampung tau. kampung abes la.sgt2 kmpung.tak tipu punye. sonok sgt dapat balik kampung. kmpung y sy cakap sgt kmpung tue letak nye di langkawi.pulau tuba,langkawi, kedah. awak penah ke sana?oo, kalau belum.sila la msukkn ke dlm list tempat ingin melawat.untuk org2 y suke nature mcm sy je la.. kalau kamu allergic tgk hutan, geli ngn tanah,jenis takut di gigit nyamuk, tak suka bunyi2 binatang, disarankn meneruskn cita2 anda untuk ke paris, london ,turki, dubai, nz,aussie,ha ape2 je la tempat y kamu hendak pegi..
kat pulau tuba sy tinggal di rumah mak ngah mah sy, die nie anak kepada adek lepada atuk sy.erm, tue ape y mak sy cakap la.otak sy y agak berabuk ini, lambat2 je mimikirkan hubungan anak2 mak ngn mak dgn saya.eh silap2, sy memikirkan hubungan sy dgn mak ngh mah la.ish ape la dgn anak die. :) mak ngh mah nie kire sepupu mak sy la, kire nye anak die ngn sy dua pupu la.anak die mmg cool.cm tajol dlm cte dunia baru tu.
kami smpai kt kmpung agak petang,minum kopi lepas tue siap2, pak ngah n famili bwak kami jalan2.pusing satu kampung. lepas tue pusing kmpung sebelah pulak.nak cari ikan pak ngah kate. boleh la mlm karang kite bakar ikan. tapi sume nelayan kt situ da takde ikan,habes di jual.pak ngh beli udang je.bnayak.besar2 udang tue.nyum2. sebelum magrib kami pulng ke rumah. tak leh jln malam2 pak ngah kate.ade hantu...hehehe tak la.lampu jalan takde kt kmpung tue.kalau mlm gelap,susah nk jalan.
malam tue, kami bakar udang, er..pembetulan..sy tak bakar udang..adek sy (k ida) dgn dua pupu sy y cool tue y bakar udang.diorang bakar udang luar rumah, dekat dgn pondok, berhampiran ngn kolam ikan kaloi,bawak pokok cempedak ngn mempelam y besar kat dahan pokok2 tue ade buaian.saya ke beijing melihat perlawanan badminton.waktu iklan sy pergi tgk2 kacau2 diorang. malam itu sgt indah, buln mengambng,cahaye nye tumpah myinari seluruh alam.nyaman mlm tersebut tak panas tak hujan, angin bertiup sepoi2 bahase.indah nye~
lepas mkn malam,(nasi putih,udang bakar, ketam rebus, smbal cili padi siput tukul, ulam pucuk, ngn smbal belacan.sy tambah berkali2) saya ,mak ngn k ida pergi ke rumah sedare2 y ade kt situ.oo malam tersebut sy pakai kain batek,di kmpung, org perempuan mmg biasa pakai kaen batek tersebut.maka , sye ke rumah sedare2 y laen mlm itu dgn kaen batek.ha.bertuah sy kaen tak jatuh.sy berlakon ayu mlm tersebut.hehehe. kira2 pukul 11 kmi pulng ke rumah mak ngh.
smpai di rumah mak ngh,beliau sedang siap2 membungkus pulut dgn daun pisang.nak buat ape ngn pulut tue mak ngah??mak ngh cakap, "nie nk bakar,sedap nie"mak ngh pun siap2 bakar sabut kat tempat bakar udang tadi. mak sy tolong mak ngh bakar pulut. smbil2 diorang mengimbau kenangan dolu2, dan sembng pasal sedare2. sy duduk kat buaian, tak jauh dr situ.melayan perasaan,kul 12 lebey siap la pulut tue. pastue sy pun tdo.
habes la satu hari sy di pulau tuba.
August 24, 2008
remember that i told you that i was updating my blog at cc last nite.
i paid for rm 1.40 , then i rushed out, for afraid that i might be late for the football match.
but, my rxz was no longer there. seriously, my heart beat stop abruptly.
for a sometimes, i did not know what to think.i was totally blur.but i knew enough to know that i have to walk to home :(. i called my mum. "mak moto hilng" and she was like "huh?"
in short,i did not have a chance to watched the football match because i was stranded at the police station. that nite, i noe that to make a police report is times consuming.everything was settle at about 12.
anyway, that rxz reminds my mum bout my late dad at most, so, she was deeply sad.the worst is she remains unhappy for this whole day. even at this moment. :( that give me a hundred painful in my heart.so u dun expect me to forgive that pencuri. i 'll not forgive that hamba allah. NEVER.
i paid for rm 1.40 , then i rushed out, for afraid that i might be late for the football match.
but, my rxz was no longer there. seriously, my heart beat stop abruptly.
for a sometimes, i did not know what to think.i was totally blur.but i knew enough to know that i have to walk to home :(. i called my mum. "mak moto hilng" and she was like "huh?"
in short,i did not have a chance to watched the football match because i was stranded at the police station. that nite, i noe that to make a police report is times consuming.everything was settle at about 12.
anyway, that rxz reminds my mum bout my late dad at most, so, she was deeply sad.the worst is she remains unhappy for this whole day. even at this moment. :( that give me a hundred painful in my heart.so u dun expect me to forgive that pencuri. i 'll not forgive that hamba allah. NEVER.
August 23, 2008
pulang dr kg
akhirnye fariez dapat online jugak.
seminggu away from technology.jauh dr internet, n laptop.
zaman sekarang nie ade ke org y boleh hidup tanpa hp?
jgn terkejut sbb ade org mcm tue. hehehe. org itu ialah saye.
sedey jugak.. takde org pun hantar sms kt fariez.
fariez balik kg.. best taw balik kampung..
i 'll updates u guy later eh, pasal kg sy.
skang fariez kt cc, internet kat rumah cm problem. :(
tak leh lame2 nie, nak blik tgk bola. selangor lawan kedah.
okie, gtg. da~
akhirnye fariez dapat online jugak.
seminggu away from technology.jauh dr internet, n laptop.
zaman sekarang nie ade ke org y boleh hidup tanpa hp?
jgn terkejut sbb ade org mcm tue. hehehe. org itu ialah saye.
sedey jugak.. takde org pun hantar sms kt fariez.
fariez balik kg.. best taw balik kampung..
i 'll updates u guy later eh, pasal kg sy.
skang fariez kt cc, internet kat rumah cm problem. :(
tak leh lame2 nie, nak blik tgk bola. selangor lawan kedah.
okie, gtg. da~
August 15, 2008
the eyes
Tinggal seorang lelaki buta, semua orang membencikannya kecuali kekasihnya.
Lelaki itu selalu berkata kepada kekasihnya "saya akan mengawini awk kalau saya boleh melihat" Pada sutu hari datang seseorang mendermakan matanya kepada lelaki itu. Bila lelaki itu boleh melihat,dia merasa sangat terkejut kerna kekasihnya juga buta.
Kekasihnya berkata "sudikah awk berkahwin dengan saya skng?"Lelaki itu menolak.. Lantas,kekasihnya tersenyum dan pergi sambil berkata "TOLONG JAGA MATA SAYA BAIK2"
(p/s: someone forwards this to me)
Tinggal seorang lelaki buta, semua orang membencikannya kecuali kekasihnya.
Lelaki itu selalu berkata kepada kekasihnya "saya akan mengawini awk kalau saya boleh melihat" Pada sutu hari datang seseorang mendermakan matanya kepada lelaki itu. Bila lelaki itu boleh melihat,dia merasa sangat terkejut kerna kekasihnya juga buta.
Kekasihnya berkata "sudikah awk berkahwin dengan saya skng?"Lelaki itu menolak.. Lantas,kekasihnya tersenyum dan pergi sambil berkata "TOLONG JAGA MATA SAYA BAIK2"
(p/s: someone forwards this to me)
get together
mak suruh akak masak sambal telur tgh hari td.akak ckp, akak tak lapar la mak.bukan untuk akak, adek suke sambal telur, kat asrama takde.wa~ adek balik hari nie la mak kn??da seminggu frz balik rumah, baru dapat jumpe adek (kak ida , ngn abang pun tak jumpe lagi.)
around pkul 5, adek called. suruh amik die kat station bus.
hoho.baru setahun tak jumpe. tinggi la adek. skali pandang pun da tau adek da tinggi dr akak.
berape kali da ajak adek ukur tinggi nak compare ngn akak.die sje je buat2 rendah.
suara adek da tak cm budak2. suare die sgt same mcm suare ebob.
kalau diorang pakat nk tipu akak, mesti menjadi punye. sebab akak tak leh nk beza suare diorang. sgt same.tak tipu.
erm,akak hepi hari nie, dapat berkumpul ngn family.
kesian kak ida, die terbeli tiket hari sabtu, padahal cuti start jumaat.
esok la baru die sampai rumah.
fariez anak kedua, ade sorang abang ,2 org adek lelaki( ebob ngn boy a.k.a adek) sorang adek perempuan (kak ida). org selalu tnye knape pgil die fariez pgl die kakak, padahal die ;agi kecik.
sebab nye, mase die kecik2 dulu die selalu nak same ngn fariez. org pgl fariez kakak, die pun nak jugak org panggil die kakak. so sampai skng la sume org pgil die kakak.
around pkul 5, adek called. suruh amik die kat station bus.
hoho.baru setahun tak jumpe. tinggi la adek. skali pandang pun da tau adek da tinggi dr akak.
berape kali da ajak adek ukur tinggi nak compare ngn akak.die sje je buat2 rendah.
suara adek da tak cm budak2. suare die sgt same mcm suare ebob.
kalau diorang pakat nk tipu akak, mesti menjadi punye. sebab akak tak leh nk beza suare diorang. sgt same.tak tipu.
erm,akak hepi hari nie, dapat berkumpul ngn family.
kesian kak ida, die terbeli tiket hari sabtu, padahal cuti start jumaat.
esok la baru die sampai rumah.
fariez anak kedua, ade sorang abang ,2 org adek lelaki( ebob ngn boy a.k.a adek) sorang adek perempuan (kak ida). org selalu tnye knape pgil die fariez pgl die kakak, padahal die ;agi kecik.
sebab nye, mase die kecik2 dulu die selalu nak same ngn fariez. org pgl fariez kakak, die pun nak jugak org panggil die kakak. so sampai skng la sume org pgil die kakak.
August 09, 2008
true story
it's weird how you go from totally stranger to being friend,
from being friend to be more than friend.
and practically being stranger again.
and it happens so fast.i mean real fast.
from being friend to be more than friend.
and practically being stranger again.
and it happens so fast.i mean real fast.
ever herd about VIRGIN COCONUT OIL?
by taking one tea spoon of it day and nite u can prevent and lower the risk to get
so many unkireable disease. wohoo..like,heart, gall bladder, liver,and pulmonary diseases,osteoporosis, stroke, gaut.
it also help to increase your immunity against fever, cough,asthma,and flu.
for pregnant women who taking this oil, it will help during delivery.
says goodbye for dandruff, and hello to healthy scalp and shiny hair.it what the oil does to your head.
more over, this oil can balance your sugar and cholesterol level.
i dunno how, but this oil, can help u to get your ideal weight.
it can prevent any attacks from bacteria n fungi.
it works like a lotion when applied to skin.
believe it or not, it slows your aging process.
if u have toothache, take this oil.
and the list goes on...n on.. 1001 khasiat taw, u dun expect me to write it all here.
:o nape? tak percaye ke?? well, frz pun kurang percaye.
what kind of oil la? magic oil ke? sume pun boleh buat.
give me a scientific prove, only then i'll believe it.
ha tertinggal, that magic oil boleh meningkatkan hubungan suami isteri.
i have no idea the exact meaning of it.
ANYWAY, jabatan pertanian buat kursus percuma untuk sape2 y berminat, tentang cara2 membuat minyak kelapa dara.
sy sgt bagus kan, pegi kursus macam tue. hahaha.
nampak cam senang je nk buat, just need 2 liter water n coconut oil.
i buy one bottle of 90ml for rm12.it look harmless,so why it give it a try.
who knows i might loss a kilo or 2.hehe~ i tell u later if im success.
anyone interested can ask me the method on how to make it.Im happy if u do. :)
this oil supply by MB.AMIN NTERPRISE, u may reach them tru this no.014-252 9991 or 014-251 0672. kalau berminat la kn.
(internet rumah sy sgt siput, so im not going to waste any second untuk tunggu gmbr di upload)
later, da~
by taking one tea spoon of it day and nite u can prevent and lower the risk to get
so many unkireable disease. wohoo..like,heart, gall bladder, liver,and pulmonary diseases,osteoporosis, stroke, gaut.
it also help to increase your immunity against fever, cough,asthma,and flu.
for pregnant women who taking this oil, it will help during delivery.
says goodbye for dandruff, and hello to healthy scalp and shiny hair.it what the oil does to your head.
more over, this oil can balance your sugar and cholesterol level.
i dunno how, but this oil, can help u to get your ideal weight.
it can prevent any attacks from bacteria n fungi.
it works like a lotion when applied to skin.
believe it or not, it slows your aging process.
if u have toothache, take this oil.
and the list goes on...n on.. 1001 khasiat taw, u dun expect me to write it all here.
:o nape? tak percaye ke?? well, frz pun kurang percaye.
what kind of oil la? magic oil ke? sume pun boleh buat.
give me a scientific prove, only then i'll believe it.
ha tertinggal, that magic oil boleh meningkatkan hubungan suami isteri.
i have no idea the exact meaning of it.
ANYWAY, jabatan pertanian buat kursus percuma untuk sape2 y berminat, tentang cara2 membuat minyak kelapa dara.
sy sgt bagus kan, pegi kursus macam tue. hahaha.
nampak cam senang je nk buat, just need 2 liter water n coconut oil.
i buy one bottle of 90ml for rm12.it look harmless,so why it give it a try.
who knows i might loss a kilo or 2.hehe~ i tell u later if im success.
anyone interested can ask me the method on how to make it.Im happy if u do. :)
this oil supply by MB.AMIN NTERPRISE, u may reach them tru this no.014-252 9991 or 014-251 0672. kalau berminat la kn.
(internet rumah sy sgt siput, so im not going to waste any second untuk tunggu gmbr di upload)
later, da~
August 07, 2008
yes, i'm home. MALAYsIA. summer holidays.
it's really a good to be at home again,many things had changed though.
well,u noe my dad had leaved us.obviously,life without him, will never gonna be the same.
im sad, but it's okie, I'll get use with it :)
(just a short updates, i'll write more soon.)
it's really a good to be at home again,many things had changed though.
well,u noe my dad had leaved us.obviously,life without him, will never gonna be the same.
im sad, but it's okie, I'll get use with it :)
(just a short updates, i'll write more soon.)
July 31, 2008
31 julai
sy pikirkan hari nie satu ogos.
sbb tue sy tak nk keluar maen bowling hari nie. sbb lagi dua har sy nk blik msia.
nak kemas2 rumah n barang2 sume.
sy ingt bulan julai ade 30 hari.
sy tak percaye hani cakap " julai ade 31 hari la..pegi cek calendar kalau tak caye"
oo. mmg betul julai ade 31 satu hari.
sape ingt dalam cte ape ayat tue.huhuhu.
akhir2 nie frz slalu teringt dialog tue.haih.
normal la kan kalau kite susah nk percaye kt orang.kan kan??
mungkin kah sy boleh jadi gile sbb terlalu paranoid?
sbb tue sy tak nk keluar maen bowling hari nie. sbb lagi dua har sy nk blik msia.
nak kemas2 rumah n barang2 sume.
sy ingt bulan julai ade 30 hari.
sy tak percaye hani cakap " julai ade 31 hari la..pegi cek calendar kalau tak caye"
oo. mmg betul julai ade 31 satu hari.
"kamu nga' percaya sama org y syg sama kamu, itu beda tau nga'? "
sape ingt dalam cte ape ayat tue.huhuhu.
akhir2 nie frz slalu teringt dialog tue.haih.
normal la kan kalau kite susah nk percaye kt orang.kan kan??
mungkin kah sy boleh jadi gile sbb terlalu paranoid?
July 27, 2008
penantian satu penyeksaan.ayat tersebut mmg terbukti kesahihan nye.
penatla tunggu hari nk balik.erm, penantian itu memenatkan.
ade sape2 y tak sokong ke? tak sokong, buat cite kt blog sendiri.
ini blog sy punya. ape frz tulis sume adalah betul.
fariez hari2 pun countdown nk blik.lagi 6 hari lagi.
tapi ade org tue da siap countdown nk abes cuti. 74 hari lg.hish.
tak sabar eh nk start kuliah. bgus betul.. :)
ptg td diorang sume sibuk2 timbang beg. rsau beg lebih muatan,gara2 kisah sahih lg benar dr ahli2 rumah nagah la ni.diorang kne bayar 6 ribu, sbb lebih muatan. ish2. 6 ribu melayang kt airport.bukan sikit. 3bulan elaun abes cmtu je. so,sarah, ona, n nawwar pun pakat2 la timbng beg sebelum blik msia .di sebabkn fariez lmbt lg nk blik, tak terlibat la aktiviti timbng beg. nk kemas beg awal2, nmpak cm excited sgt lak, so maintain je.. buat2 cool.tak kemas beg lagi. so kitorang (frz ngn k ftin) timbng berat badan je la. hehe.
skng tinggal fariez ngn nawwar ngn k fatin je.
k ftin da tdo, nawwar tgk balut2 buah tin. nawwar nyer flight esok.pastue tgl la frz ngn k ftin je. sedey nye. ngadu ngn mak, sedey sume org da balik.mak ckp, "adil la.. sbb last year akak blik awal. this year rse la pulak blik lmbt." :( ye la..
tp akak tak sbr nk jumpe mak.aish~
penatla tunggu hari nk balik.erm, penantian itu memenatkan.
ade sape2 y tak sokong ke? tak sokong, buat cite kt blog sendiri.
ini blog sy punya. ape frz tulis sume adalah betul.
fariez hari2 pun countdown nk blik.lagi 6 hari lagi.
tapi ade org tue da siap countdown nk abes cuti. 74 hari lg.hish.
tak sabar eh nk start kuliah. bgus betul.. :)
ptg td diorang sume sibuk2 timbang beg. rsau beg lebih muatan,gara2 kisah sahih lg benar dr ahli2 rumah nagah la ni.diorang kne bayar 6 ribu, sbb lebih muatan. ish2. 6 ribu melayang kt airport.bukan sikit. 3bulan elaun abes cmtu je. so,sarah, ona, n nawwar pun pakat2 la timbng beg sebelum blik msia .di sebabkn fariez lmbt lg nk blik, tak terlibat la aktiviti timbng beg. nk kemas beg awal2, nmpak cm excited sgt lak, so maintain je.. buat2 cool.tak kemas beg lagi. so kitorang (frz ngn k ftin) timbng berat badan je la. hehe.
skng tinggal fariez ngn nawwar ngn k fatin je.
k ftin da tdo, nawwar tgk balut2 buah tin. nawwar nyer flight esok.pastue tgl la frz ngn k ftin je. sedey nye. ngadu ngn mak, sedey sume org da balik.mak ckp, "adil la.. sbb last year akak blik awal. this year rse la pulak blik lmbt." :( ye la..
tp akak tak sbr nk jumpe mak.aish~
July 24, 2008
pig lining for shoes
"Jgn pegang beg nie tau, made of pig skin."
tue la first time frz tau,kulit haiwan tersebut boleh buat beg. beg Ka yan tue cute la tapi..frz tak la tgk betul2. da ka yan ckp cmtue, so kitorang sume cam, hati2 okie. tak pasal2 kang kne cari tanah. it was 3 years ago.
Baru2 nie, frz ngn nawwar pegi la , ekspo dekat biblotica, kat sinbad tu. frz ingt nak bli container je sebenarnye, buat isi barang2. alang2 da sampai kat situ n takde plan laen, so kitorang pun meluangkan mase melihat barang2 kt situ. macam2 ade, bende kering smpai bende basah, makanan, pakaian, barang2 plastik, kerusi, meja, carpet, buku2 dan lain2. :) cam supermarket pulak frz rs.
okie2, sebenarnye frz nk ckp y kat situ ade jugak jual kasut, lining die gune haiwan tersebut punye kulit. nawwar la y perasan dulu. pastue terus nawwar tanye org y jual tue. ni kasut pvc ke? org tue kate tak.. nie kulit asli.euuuw~ geli lak frz dgr bile die ckp kulit asli.
tue la first time frz tau,kulit haiwan tersebut boleh buat beg. beg Ka yan tue cute la tapi..frz tak la tgk betul2. da ka yan ckp cmtue, so kitorang sume cam, hati2 okie. tak pasal2 kang kne cari tanah. it was 3 years ago.
Baru2 nie, frz ngn nawwar pegi la , ekspo dekat biblotica, kat sinbad tu. frz ingt nak bli container je sebenarnye, buat isi barang2. alang2 da sampai kat situ n takde plan laen, so kitorang pun meluangkan mase melihat barang2 kt situ. macam2 ade, bende kering smpai bende basah, makanan, pakaian, barang2 plastik, kerusi, meja, carpet, buku2 dan lain2. :) cam supermarket pulak frz rs.
okie2, sebenarnye frz nk ckp y kat situ ade jugak jual kasut, lining die gune haiwan tersebut punye kulit. nawwar la y perasan dulu. pastue terus nawwar tanye org y jual tue. ni kasut pvc ke? org tue kate tak.. nie kulit asli.euuuw~ geli lak frz dgr bile die ckp kulit asli.
here is the shoes, frz bukan nk band kedai tue taw, just for sake of sharing. pastue nk pesan kt kawan2,beware time bli kasut. cek betul2 eh.
nie close up pic. beza kulit laen ngn kuit haiwan tersebut, die nye texture tue ade cm bintik2 tiga.
erm, no wonder la, pakcik tokei kedai tu bukan egyptian, org cina kot. tak sur, tp muke cm cine la.
erm, no wonder la, pakcik tokei kedai tu bukan egyptian, org cina kot. tak sur, tp muke cm cine la.
July 18, 2008
it was approximately at 3 pm. bored already.
and i realizes that i'm a such laziest lilltle lump.from morning till evening, i'm doing nothing but sleeping.even the noises make by my housemates failed to wake me up. i thought after the fnal exam, i 'll spend my time playing computer games. i loves games. but when the time is right, my great love for playing games, just puff! disappear.
this morning, i really wish someone, anyone , would ask me out, hang out somewhere. and yes,Ona did! she's planning to go for shopping for a bag and would be happy if i wanna join her. they (ona n sarah) nak shopping kt Green plaza. i bet Ona, felt little weird when i showed like i'm not interested to join her. i've no reasons, i really wanna go out, but suddenly, i felt malas sgt.
from the two situasion that i mentioned above, am i consider as a weird , unpredictable and banyak songeh little girl? hurmmm.
and i realizes that i'm a such laziest lilltle lump.from morning till evening, i'm doing nothing but sleeping.even the noises make by my housemates failed to wake me up. i thought after the fnal exam, i 'll spend my time playing computer games. i loves games. but when the time is right, my great love for playing games, just puff! disappear.
this morning, i really wish someone, anyone , would ask me out, hang out somewhere. and yes,Ona did! she's planning to go for shopping for a bag and would be happy if i wanna join her. they (ona n sarah) nak shopping kt Green plaza. i bet Ona, felt little weird when i showed like i'm not interested to join her. i've no reasons, i really wanna go out, but suddenly, i felt malas sgt.
from the two situasion that i mentioned above, am i consider as a weird , unpredictable and banyak songeh little girl? hurmmm.
July 16, 2008
learning objective: sabar itu separuh dari iman
finally, kiss the patho paper a goodbye! goodbye examination, at least for his semester..
althought currently, i feel like very mad angry, i felt like sreaming out loud, because that last paper was like .. grrrr.tak rs freedom at.ALL. deal , mmg takde rezeki . and nothing much to tell pun.nape tak jwb betul2 kn. sob sob,.huh!n know wut? if i fail this paper, any paper actually, i have to cut my summer break short then come back to mesir earlier for re-sit paper.hwaa~ tak nak :( . please la.. i want to pass this paper soo badly. i dun wanna come back back to this freaking mesir alone,while others r enjoying their holidays in mlaysia. NO WAY ! tak nk!
after the exam, i find my way to the bank.drawing some money of course, ade ke org gi bank tue nak simpan duet.blah. takde sape nk simpan dlm bank tue.fine la, the guard in the bank is just trying to be nice, asking us to have a seat and wait for our turn patiently. but at the moment, i dun feel like having a seat. is it a big deal? the guard said: yes, it is. the guard mcm tak puas hati, die bleh lak nk pakse frz duduk kan. huh~ pape je la.
the accountant lak, like forcing us to use the ATM at the outside.obviously, die cm serabut sebab kitorang ramai2 beratur nak draw duet.huh! kalau ATM tue boleh gune, frz pun tak hingin la nk beratur kt situ. not to forget the other egyptians y tak tahu beratur. pandai ke tak pndai? kitorang lak kne fight for the turn, padahal masing2 da ade no sendiri. 16 ngn 22 mane dulu? ooOOoo 22..pandai!puas la tunggu turn td, sejam lebey... menguji kesabaran betul.
i just shud stop sounding like a angry makcik kan. forgive me, i cant help but posting bout this.
do you know that, when we burst the things that make us angry it somehow will lower our intracranial pressure. then, you'll feel not much, but at least a little bit better than before.hahaha, jgn percaye.
i'm done.
n i'm really clear with the objective.
althought currently, i feel like very mad angry, i felt like sreaming out loud, because that last paper was like .. grrrr.tak rs freedom at.ALL. deal , mmg takde rezeki . and nothing much to tell pun.nape tak jwb betul2 kn. sob sob,.huh!n know wut? if i fail this paper, any paper actually, i have to cut my summer break short then come back to mesir earlier for re-sit paper.hwaa~ tak nak :( . please la.. i want to pass this paper soo badly. i dun wanna come back back to this freaking mesir alone,while others r enjoying their holidays in mlaysia. NO WAY ! tak nk!
after the exam, i find my way to the bank.drawing some money of course, ade ke org gi bank tue nak simpan duet.blah. takde sape nk simpan dlm bank tue.fine la, the guard in the bank is just trying to be nice, asking us to have a seat and wait for our turn patiently. but at the moment, i dun feel like having a seat. is it a big deal? the guard said: yes, it is. the guard mcm tak puas hati, die bleh lak nk pakse frz duduk kan. huh~ pape je la.
the accountant lak, like forcing us to use the ATM at the outside.obviously, die cm serabut sebab kitorang ramai2 beratur nak draw duet.huh! kalau ATM tue boleh gune, frz pun tak hingin la nk beratur kt situ. not to forget the other egyptians y tak tahu beratur. pandai ke tak pndai? kitorang lak kne fight for the turn, padahal masing2 da ade no sendiri. 16 ngn 22 mane dulu? ooOOoo 22..pandai!puas la tunggu turn td, sejam lebey... menguji kesabaran betul.
i just shud stop sounding like a angry makcik kan. forgive me, i cant help but posting bout this.
do you know that, when we burst the things that make us angry it somehow will lower our intracranial pressure. then, you'll feel not much, but at least a little bit better than before.hahaha, jgn percaye.
i'm done.
n i'm really clear with the objective.
July 13, 2008
ona : okie.. (dgn suara y agak kuat)
fariez : smbil dgr radio, smbil bace buku patho, dalam hati(oo0. ona cakap phone.kuat nye tapi..)
tibe2 ona da ade kat depan pintu study bilik frz.
ona: sape pgl ona? (smbil buat muke blur)
fariez ngn nawwar : huh? hahahaha...
ona: eee takut nye..sape pgl ona??
fariez ngn nawwar : hahahaha...
fariez ngn nawwar : ketawa lagi.. patut la die ckp "okie" td..
tak tahu nape kitorang ketawa.muke die time die ckp die takut.comel seyes.
tapi, sape la y pgl ona td?? mane ade org laen dlm rumah selain frz, nawwar , ngn iman,
(iman dlm toilet waktu tue)..
fariez : smbil dgr radio, smbil bace buku patho, dalam hati(oo0. ona cakap phone.kuat nye tapi..)
tibe2 ona da ade kat depan pintu study bilik frz.
ona: sape pgl ona? (smbil buat muke blur)
fariez ngn nawwar : huh? hahahaha...
ona: eee takut nye..sape pgl ona??
fariez ngn nawwar : hahahaha...
fariez ngn nawwar : ketawa lagi.. patut la die ckp "okie" td..
tak tahu nape kitorang ketawa.muke die time die ckp die takut.comel seyes.
tapi, sape la y pgl ona td?? mane ade org laen dlm rumah selain frz, nawwar , ngn iman,
(iman dlm toilet waktu tue)..
July 10, 2008



wa, da nak dekat sebulan exam. cam terpikir, University laen ade ke exam smpai sebulan cmni. myeksa jiwa dan raga la. bak kate Nawwar, momentum exam cam da berkurang untuk paper akhir2 nie (two papers to go). fariez pun rse camtu jugak..tapi..BERTAHAN2!
then, suddenly anas ckp, nk buat last meeting kt green plaza.green plaza?mase tue,the first thing that came in my mind was "alahai, anat tak bace lagi takkn nk g mkn kat luar kot?"but then bile pikir2 balik,why not kua je. last week was a stressful week for me..with exams, and some personal matters, so i think a day out with friends is just what i need. a day out with hani, nana, n liza.(tapi gambar liza takde.haha. diskriminasi ke atas liza.)
yang best smlam. sebab lepak2 kat Brownies,bising2 ngn diorang buat plan nak jalan2 pas exam, plan nk jalan2 taun depan sambil melupakan exam oral pada keesokan harinye dan anatOmy y tak abes bace,hahaha, pastue makan ayam banyak2 takde pikir pasal diet.
yang tak best, milk shake da cair. pastue duk sekejap je pastue kne balik.sampai rumah pening2 sebab pakcik cab bawak kete die dgn gaya bebas. malam tak leh tdo sbb rsau pasal anat..
im suppose to be studying anatomy rite now, and blog later. but somehow, i swicth it, like, blogging now, and study later.lalala~
aaaaa. kemalasan melanda.
aaaaa. kemalasan melanda.
July 04, 2008
a month from now
nearly a month actually.
a month from now,
i'll be tougher, i'll be okie, i'll be at the best condition ever.i'll leading a happy-non guilty life.
i'll be a smart gal,who knows what exactly she want in thislong short life.
i'll noe how to decide.oh, well,that's what i hope..
(and what i always say to my mr kaunsellor,n yes i have my own personal kaunsellor)
a month from now,
no more exams. (but still, i'm not going to forget my academic stuff)
wohoho, i'll be in my mother land, malaysia.i'll be spending most of my time with my most beloved mum. i'll be her favourite companion for the whole 3 months.that's my promise.
hell, yes, a month from now,
and at that time, i am no longer a 2nd year medical student.
doesn't 3rd year sound better, it sound cool to me,3rd year,
i'll be more mature.(yeah, i guess) o man.i can't wait.
but, some how,i feel..
can i just go back to year 2005.
oh yes,
in yur dream.
a month from now,
i'll be tougher, i'll be okie, i'll be at the best condition ever.i'll leading a happy-non guilty life.
i'll be a smart gal,who knows what exactly she want in this
i'll noe how to decide.oh, well,that's what i hope..
(and what i always say to my mr kaunsellor,n yes i have my own personal kaunsellor)
a month from now,
no more exams. (but still, i'm not going to forget my academic stuff)
wohoho, i'll be in my mother land, malaysia.i'll be spending most of my time with my most beloved mum. i'll be her favourite companion for the whole 3 months.that's my promise.
hell, yes, a month from now,
and at that time, i am no longer a 2nd year medical student.
doesn't 3rd year sound better, it sound cool to me,3rd year,
i'll be more mature.(yeah, i guess) o man.i can't wait.
but, some how,i feel..
can i just go back to year 2005.
oh yes,
in yur dream.
July 02, 2008

kak nik tak tnye banayk pun, biasala time exam nie, perbualan selalu nye tak off topic,sume pasal exam "camne exam, okie ke tak okie, banyak lagi ke paper, paper semalam mcm mane, da abes study ke....."(dalam hati frz, terharu sgt, kak nik y sibuk ngn clinical year sempat lagi luangkn mase tanya khabar adek2.walaupun tak lama, tapi mmg terkesan dalam hati..
boleh ke fariez jadi mcm kak nik?
" ok la fariz.. knik nk kuar dulu... knik dedicate ayat tadabur utk fariz ,
al ankabut :69..krm slm ahli bet . gluck! rbbuna ysahhil."
dalam kehidupan dunia ini hanya senda gurau dan permaianan,Dan sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itulah kehidupan y sebenarnya, sekiranya mereka mengetahuilaju je kak nik type, tak sempat fariez ckp pape pun..fariez sempat ckp okie je. pastue k nik da offline.
orang cakap, untuk ajak org ke arah kebaikan kite tak semesti nye gunekan kata2. fariez sgt setuju bende tu.. sbb nye kak nik tak penah pun ckap, suruh kitorang ikut ape y die buat.. tapi fariez selalu rase nk jadi mcm kak nik.tambah2 lepas sc, berkobar2 semangat..yela, baru lepas dgr nasihat..tapi bile da lame2,nape la fariez slalu lupe.. :(
sebab tue la, kite kne berpesan2 kn...
gambar kat kak nik nie, fariez amik mse sukaneka hari tue, saje je datang awal walaupun fariez bukan AJK. (tapi tak tolong pun, sibuk snap gambar org). kak nik senyum je waktu tu, tapi dalam hati fariez mase tue sedeh sgt.. sbb tahun depan belum tentu kak nik ade bersukaneka ngn kitorang lagi.(insyallah kak nik abes awal tahun depan). ;( nanti tinggal kitorang je, kitorang la y kne jage diri sendiri, kne ingtkn diri sendiri..
mampu ke?? mana ade kemahuan di situ ade jalan kn..erm..
July 01, 2008
cakap tak serupa bikin..
ya ALLAH, nape la fariez budus sgt..
dala time exam cmni, tolongla..
fariez tak tahu nak buat ape da.
rase nak tutup je mate, buat2 tak nmapak. buat2 tak tahu ape y die rase..
tapi fariez tak boleh..
fariez rse mcm sgt bersalah, mmg fariez cakap kat die dulu,
"i'll talk about everything but not love, not rite now"
(yakin je frz kn mase tue kn..itu ayat org kecewa tahu tak.)
jgn benci fariez boleh tak??
June 30, 2008
June 29, 2008
IGNORE him! (if only i could)
how could i not blog bout this.
the email that i read yesterday keep haunting me.
"u better hate me coz i already hate u..awak bkn sesiapa lg...u'r NOTHING...." i better not reading it at the very first time. tapi kalau tak bace, how culd i noe that someone hate me that much. i bet he was very angry at that time. (and even till now, he is) die repeat ayat "sy benci awak" like banyak kali.and he hate me the most.he said he felt like idiot for knowing me. is it wut u really feel dear?hokie fine.
since i noe him, die tak penah benci kat org, die tak penah marah sape2, die sgt sabar, he is so cool. he always noe the right things to do.he handled problem so well,( he was one of PRS member back in school,Presiden of PRS, which i adored most at that time.) but.. god,wut i've done. i've turn him into a person y penuh dgn kebencian. is it? :(
i dunno, i really can captured this weirdo feeling in words.
i dunno wut shud i do.nani cakap, i shud do nothing, dun text him,dun email him, just get away from him . I G N O R E him .giving him time would be the best. focusing on the next paper. go on life as before, and later, by time, he'll understand and heal himself.hani pun cakap mcm tue.
tapi td, die online, mule2 rs cm tak nk tegur.tapi last2 fariez tegur jugak.noe wut. die trus offline. mmg die sgt marah kn. weird, tangan fariez cm mengeletar time tue. n speechless, seyes.hm,sume pun da besar kn, die mesti tau ape y patut die buat.and i bet he noe the best thing to do is to be invisible to me. okie la, as u wish!
i noe it's not nessecery to post about this.(i just cant help it).let me burst it out. if u feel like dun want to read my daily life stuff.then that's okie.but u r reading till here, so im sorry for that. ;)
thanks to all supporter.
the email that i read yesterday keep haunting me.
"u better hate me coz i already hate u..awak bkn sesiapa lg...u'r NOTHING...."
since i noe him, die tak penah benci kat org, die tak penah marah sape2, die sgt sabar, he is so cool. he always noe the right things to do.he handled problem so well,( he was one of PRS member back in school,Presiden of PRS, which i adored most at that time.) but.. god,wut i've done. i've turn him into a person y penuh dgn kebencian. is it? :(
i dunno, i really can captured this weirdo feeling in words.
i dunno wut shud i do.nani cakap, i shud do nothing, dun text him,dun email him, just get away from him . I G N O R E him .giving him time would be the best. focusing on the next paper. go on life as before, and later, by time, he'll understand and heal himself.hani pun cakap mcm tue.
tapi td, die online, mule2 rs cm tak nk tegur.tapi last2 fariez tegur jugak.noe wut. die trus offline. mmg die sgt marah kn. weird, tangan fariez cm mengeletar time tue. n speechless, seyes.hm,sume pun da besar kn, die mesti tau ape y patut die buat.and i bet he noe the best thing to do is to be invisible to me. okie la, as u wish!
i noe it's not nessecery to post about this.(i just cant help it).let me burst it out. if u feel like dun want to read my daily life stuff.then that's okie.but u r reading till here, so im sorry for that. ;)
thanks to all supporter.
June 28, 2008
hidup bagai roda
org cakap, hidup nie macam roda..
bile kita kat atas, tak selamanya kita kat situ..
silap la, bagi orang y pikir diri dia akan selalu kat atas.
bila kat bawah, rase macam, diri dia la y paling malang..
hidup dia la y paling complicated..
datang la sape2 pun, cuba bukakan mata dia..
cuba btau y hidup mmg tak selalu indah.
nape dia susah nak terima..?
p/s: nani, iman ,nawwar n fairuz.maceh!
bile kita kat atas, tak selamanya kita kat situ..
silap la, bagi orang y pikir diri dia akan selalu kat atas.
bila kat bawah, rase macam, diri dia la y paling malang..
hidup dia la y paling complicated..
datang la sape2 pun, cuba bukakan mata dia..
cuba btau y hidup mmg tak selalu indah.
nape dia susah nak terima..?
yakinkan ku untuk terus berdiri
p/s: nani, iman ,nawwar n fairuz.maceh!
June 25, 2008
they said.
Why are you trying to be all things to all people? It's admirable to want to
help everyone, but it is not realistic to expect yourself to be able to do it.
Instead, focus on doing the one or two things you can do, today -- spend time
with the one or two people you have time for. Not everyone can fit into your
busy life right now, so don't worry about saying 'no' to someone who wants to
see you. They'll understand -- just like you understood when they were busy.
jangan pandang belakang.
nie bukan cte hantu pierre andre okie.
23 julai. fariez tak tahu fariez buat keputusan y betul ke tak.
lame da fariez pikir since bulan 2 rtu.
konon2 nak pikir masak2 kan.
(bile nak cukup masak tak tahu la~)
pastue konon2,cm, urgh malas nk pikir.
pastue cam blik msia nnt la pikir..
pape ntah.
yang fariez tahu,
fariez nak buat keputusan ya tak sakitkn hati orang,
tak nak sape2 sedey.
tak nak ade org kecewa.
tak nak org tue benci kt fariez.
tapi takde lak choice camtue.malang tul~
y paling tak best, dua2 choice y ade, dua2 akan buat fariez sedey.
sape2 y bace entry kali nie, mesti cam sgt blur..
sebab cam "sesuatu" je fariez nie..bukan nk cte betul2.
ntah la,malas la nk cte. tak tahu nk start cte dr mane pun..
bagi fariez, bende nie complicated.sgt~ :'(
org slalu cakap,"think with yur head, not with yur heart"
huh.ckp senang kn..adoi2!sakit kepale guek!
sebab tgh berusaha pikir dgn kepala.
dari pade sakit hati..baek la sakit kepala.ade paracetamol.
tapi hari nie, fariez da setelkn sume.
fariez da decide. sume nye fariez serahkn pada ALLAH.
tawakal pada NYa je, mampu buat fariez tenang.
fariez tak nak pandang belakang, tak nk patah balik.
fariez melepaskan ape y da lepas...
semoga ALLAH bagi fariez kekuatan.
(birthday Barak eh, hr tue, sgt kebetulan.)
23 julai. fariez tak tahu fariez buat keputusan y betul ke tak.
lame da fariez pikir since bulan 2 rtu.
konon2 nak pikir masak2 kan.
(bile nak cukup masak tak tahu la~)
pastue konon2,cm, urgh malas nk pikir.
pastue cam blik msia nnt la pikir..
pape ntah.
yang fariez tahu,
fariez nak buat keputusan ya tak sakitkn hati orang,
tak nak sape2 sedey.
tak nak ade org kecewa.
tak nak org tue benci kt fariez.
tapi takde lak choice camtue.malang tul~
y paling tak best, dua2 choice y ade, dua2 akan buat fariez sedey.
sape2 y bace entry kali nie, mesti cam sgt blur..
sebab cam "sesuatu" je fariez nie..bukan nk cte betul2.
ntah la,malas la nk cte. tak tahu nk start cte dr mane pun..
bagi fariez, bende nie complicated.sgt~ :'(
org slalu cakap,"think with yur head, not with yur heart"
huh.ckp senang kn..adoi2!sakit kepale guek!
sebab tgh berusaha pikir dgn kepala.
dari pade sakit hati..baek la sakit kepala.ade paracetamol.
tapi hari nie, fariez da setelkn sume.
fariez da decide. sume nye fariez serahkn pada ALLAH.
tawakal pada NYa je, mampu buat fariez tenang.
fariez tak nak pandang belakang, tak nk patah balik.
fariez melepaskan ape y da lepas...
semoga ALLAH bagi fariez kekuatan.
(birthday Barak eh, hr tue, sgt kebetulan.)
June 17, 2008
June 15, 2008
1st date.
"cool down fariez, being nervous on your 1st date meeting is normal"
fuh2.rase nervous mcm nak g oral exam pathology je.
fariez nak jumpe a guy, y fariez knal tru ym.
(ouh ,im was having soo much free time during the holidays after spm, that i got online like everyday, make a new friends from the net)
useless la posting entry psl nie.lagi rs takut ade la.
fuh2.rase nervous mcm nak g oral exam pathology je.
fariez nak jumpe a guy, y fariez knal tru ym.
(ouh ,im was having soo much free time during the holidays after spm, that i got online like everyday, make a new friends from the net)
useless la posting entry psl nie.lagi rs takut ade la.
June 14, 2008
June 13, 2008
7 secrets in yur room
Roof said: Aim high
Fan said: Be cool
Clock said: Every min. is precious
Mirror said: Reflect before you act
Window said: See the world
Calender said: Be up-to-date
Door said: Push hard to achieve ur goals.
Fan said: Be cool
Clock said: Every min. is precious
Mirror said: Reflect before you act
Window said: See the world
Calender said: Be up-to-date
Door said: Push hard to achieve ur goals.
June 12, 2008
p a y i s h

it was last year, when eyina first called me PAYISH.
n it was also my first time to called her EYINA.
we were at Cairo at that time,
were about to return to MALAYSIA for summer break.
look now, it's almost the end of my 2nd year.
another summer break will come soon.
gosh. time goes so fast isn't it,
it just fly away silently,
only those who care would realize.
bout the picca.
was taken by EYINA, click to eyina's flickr
im just have soo many thing to do,
(well, malaysia is near, but final exam is way nearer)
but end up editing this pic.
till then.chaow~
June 09, 2008
:) wewe~
i am in a jolly HAPPY good mood.
*i wake up earlier than yesterday this morning!not using alarm, not because any wake up call from anybody, and not because anyone. (jgn percaye, sy tpu.)
*well, i ve done with biochemistry practical exam this morning. ;)
the fact that i did not have any enough time while answering the question, did not make me feel that bad, so im pretty happy for not being affected by that, may i said, teribble situation ever.
( seriusly, the time went damn fast okie, i dun think we got one minute for each question.i just finished reading the question and suddenly, the Doctor said "move". i could not even take a breath, and my hand was in tremors. my hand writting was horrible. the most cakar ayam punye tulisan.
*during the titration of the urine i did not break any beaker,burrete and all.even tho, my hand was shaking like crazeee.sgt lega! my friend did make the burrete broke into two. the one who sit infront of me.
*today is my turn to go the market.wohoo~ the freezer shud be empty already by today. tapi ade lagi ikan untuk hr ni. so no need to go to the market today!!
*will having the last practical exam tomorrow.yahoo!!
im happy to tell that i already revised the atlas for unkireable time.
sgt bagus kah sy.*perasan*
okie2.wanna make a call! :)
*i wake up earlier than yesterday this morning!not using alarm, not because any wake up call from anybody, and not because anyone. (jgn percaye, sy tpu.)
*well, i ve done with biochemistry practical exam this morning. ;)
the fact that i did not have any enough time while answering the question, did not make me feel that bad, so im pretty happy for not being affected by that, may i said, teribble situation ever.
( seriusly, the time went damn fast okie, i dun think we got one minute for each question.i just finished reading the question and suddenly, the Doctor said "move". i could not even take a breath, and my hand was in tremors. my hand writting was horrible. the most cakar ayam punye tulisan.
*during the titration of the urine i did not break any beaker,burrete and all.even tho, my hand was shaking like crazeee.sgt lega! my friend did make the burrete broke into two. the one who sit infront of me.
*today is my turn to go the market.wohoo~ the freezer shud be empty already by today. tapi ade lagi ikan untuk hr ni. so no need to go to the market today!!
*will having the last practical exam tomorrow.yahoo!!
im happy to tell that i already revised the atlas for unkireable time.
sgt bagus kah sy.*perasan*
okie2.wanna make a call! :)
June 05, 2008
berikut adalah pesanan dari kawan y sedar betapa meniru itu perbuatan y tak sepatutnye berlaku ketika peperiksaan.anda diminta membaca nye sebelum memasuki dewan peperiksaan.
(meningatkan hati ini, menigatkan hati-hati kawan ku yang laen)
bagi fariez, meniru waktu exam ni terang2 la satu kesalahan.dari sekolah rendah lagi cikgu da cakap,jgn meniru..tiap2 kali exam, cikgu tak lupe nak ingtakn,"jgn meniru".masuk sekolah menegah cikgu pesan2 lagi. "kalau awak meniru, tak berkat ape y awak buat, bukan ke kita hidup nie nak kn keberkatan?? jadi,nape perlu meniru..?
kalau markah awak tinggi sebab meniru. ape y awak rase??tiada kepuasan di situ okie. anyway nape nk meniru pun??sebab takut fail?erm, marilah kite study dr skng.itu la satu-satu nya jalan tak nak fail..tak tahu jawapan time exam, mintak pertolongn dr ALLAH.tawakkal je. takdapat jawab juga?? erm,ape lagi hemtam saja lah..itukn lagi bagus dr kite meniru..bile keluar result nnt redha je..kan kn kn..?hai,sekarang da masuk u, nak kne btau lagi rupenye..
meniru itu perbuatan y tak elok. jgn buat!
kes laen pulak pasal bagi kawan meniru.cikgu cakap.."awak igt kwn awak tue betul ke, y awak nk tru jawapan die?"
"ish, kwn sy nie pndai,mesti la betul" (sempat lagi menjawab..dlm hati je la tapi)he~
selalu nye tak smpai hati tak nk tolong kwn,erm..bab nie frz no k0men la.
tepuk dada tanya la iman..
kes y ketiga..iaitu org y ketiga, y melihat kejadian kanak-kanak saling membantu, meniru.jika anda di tempat kejadian apakah y akan anda lakukan?
all of above.
sile pilih dr pilihan diatas.he~
rasenye majoriti mmg buat2 tak nmpak. betul la kn.. kalau tak mesti before nie ade je y kantoi sbb meniru..cmne kalau suatu hari ade org y angkat tangan'pastue ckp" mereka meniru" smbil menunjukkn ke arah sipolan dan kawan nye y muke bersahaja konon tak bersalah itu.(ade ke pun org y berani, buat cmtue. mungkin shiha berani..o0o0 lupe, tempat duduk shiha di depan sekali, sudah pasti die tak nmpak siapa y meniru) frz tak ade kekuatan nk buat cmtue, hanye mampu pandang, (ingt balik) selalu nye dgn muke y tak senyum la..
erm, mungkin exam kali nie sy akan lebih berani.hehehe.. so sape y duk dekat2 fariez meniru la kalau nk kantoi.hik hik hik.
argh, apakah~
lagi 3 minggu nak study, sepatutnye terlebey cukup mase ini.bagi mereka y telah mule study.frz da mule sket.(mak ckp, nape la baru sket??) er..rs bersalah..frz tgh sibuk nk g bulan nie..hehe.
ish merapu je. key la.da~
(meningatkan hati ini, menigatkan hati-hati kawan ku yang laen)
Benda simple je ni. Kalo sayang kawan, jgn bagi die tiru time pekse. Kalo
nampak org tiru, angkat tangan & terus report, takyah teragak2 or takut kene
pukul,REPORT JE!!!.. Gap antara paper da 2- 3 ari. ada bnyak ari lg nk pulun
nih. Korg yg dtg lecture, ade yg study kt rumah, ade yg study awal,ade yg study
lambat, korg yg penat pulun, penat buat nota, study group lg, siap buat soalan
lg, ade yg overtime jumpe professor n etc .. org lain plak senang2 tiru..(kalo
study tu takpela jgk,ni x study lansung...) Mestila korg tak puas hati kan? So
sbg batu api, aku nasihatkan x yah bg tiru& REPORT JE bdak2 yg meniru. Jalan
penyelesaiaannye, studyla selagi masih sempat. Study tak hina, tiru tu hina.
Kalo fail repeat. Nak tiru takyah amek medicla.Syadid skit ek. tq.
bagi fariez, meniru waktu exam ni terang2 la satu kesalahan.dari sekolah rendah lagi cikgu da cakap,jgn meniru..tiap2 kali exam, cikgu tak lupe nak ingtakn,"jgn meniru".masuk sekolah menegah cikgu pesan2 lagi. "kalau awak meniru, tak berkat ape y awak buat, bukan ke kita hidup nie nak kn keberkatan?? jadi,nape perlu meniru..?
kalau markah awak tinggi sebab meniru. ape y awak rase??tiada kepuasan di situ okie. anyway nape nk meniru pun??sebab takut fail?erm, marilah kite study dr skng.itu la satu-satu nya jalan tak nak fail..tak tahu jawapan time exam, mintak pertolongn dr ALLAH.tawakkal je. takdapat jawab juga?? erm,ape lagi hemtam saja lah..itukn lagi bagus dr kite meniru..bile keluar result nnt redha je..kan kn kn..?hai,sekarang da masuk u, nak kne btau lagi rupenye..
meniru itu perbuatan y tak elok. jgn buat!
kes laen pulak pasal bagi kawan meniru.cikgu cakap.."awak igt kwn awak tue betul ke, y awak nk tru jawapan die?"
"ish, kwn sy nie pndai,mesti la betul" (sempat lagi menjawab..dlm hati je la tapi)he~
selalu nye tak smpai hati tak nk tolong kwn,erm..bab nie frz no k0men la.
tepuk dada tanya la iman..
kes y ketiga..iaitu org y ketiga, y melihat kejadian kanak-kanak saling membantu, meniru.jika anda di tempat kejadian apakah y akan anda lakukan?
all of above.
sile pilih dr pilihan diatas.he~
rasenye majoriti mmg buat2 tak nmpak. betul la kn.. kalau tak mesti before nie ade je y kantoi sbb meniru..cmne kalau suatu hari ade org y angkat tangan'pastue ckp" mereka meniru" smbil menunjukkn ke arah sipolan dan kawan nye y muke bersahaja konon tak bersalah itu.(ade ke pun org y berani, buat cmtue. mungkin shiha berani..o0o0 lupe, tempat duduk shiha di depan sekali, sudah pasti die tak nmpak siapa y meniru) frz tak ade kekuatan nk buat cmtue, hanye mampu pandang, (ingt balik) selalu nye dgn muke y tak senyum la..
erm, mungkin exam kali nie sy akan lebih berani.hehehe.. so sape y duk dekat2 fariez meniru la kalau nk kantoi.hik hik hik.
argh, apakah~
lagi 3 minggu nak study, sepatutnye terlebey cukup mase ini.bagi mereka y telah mule study.frz da mule sket.(mak ckp, nape la baru sket??) er..rs bersalah..frz tgh sibuk nk g bulan nie..hehe.
ish merapu je. key la.da~
June 01, 2008
born brave.

-zack imran-
May 24, 2008
ini adalah pemberitahuan :
tuan punye blog nie cakap..die lupe die ade blog. pastue die suh sy y tuliskn blog die nie, die cakap, buat la ape y ko nak buat.lalala.. satu lagi die kate die sibuk skng.. nak tahu die sibuk buat ape?? die kate die sibuk buat revision sbb exam final die da dekat sgt..huhu sebenarnye tipu je die tu opss...hehe
bukan sy tak tahu..die skng sibuk berangan nak balik msia.. tak abes2 pikir pasal msia. anak manje! buku je bukak kt depan mate. tapi otak die da terbang2..die kate, die tak de tulis listape y die nk blik msia.eleh, bleh caye ke???
satu lagi mood maen game die datang lagi.. jap2 bukak game, ish..sape2 nasihat kn la makcik nie.. mak die pesan suruh die study.tapi maen game.. ape da.
pastue die sibuk ngn zombie kt facebook tue. sy ingt lagi.. ms mule2 dulu, die cakap.. apsal sume org maen game zombie nie. tak cool la, tak best la..mcm2 la..ha! skng tgk la.. die y addicted ngn menatang tue..
hahaha. last2 kn laptop die cm buat hal.( laptop ngn tuan punye laptop same je.ade2 jee..) rs cam kesian jugak kt makcik tue, muke cm moyok cm ape ntah. buruk la y pasti.. tapi klu laptop die okie..bukan nye die nk study sgt.. jap2 online.so, tak nk la kesian kt die.. biar die. eleh. takde laptop pun die online jugak..em,pasnie nk pesan kt nawwar ngn sarah jgn kasi makcik tue pinjam laptop.(selmbek je pgl tuan nyer blog nie makcik.sori ye makcik,sori nek lori la..)
tp,dgr2 laptop die da siap format, semalm ke 2 hr lepas..tp tak leh nk connect ngn internet lagi..(gelak jahat) shiaaaan die tue..sape2 nmpak muke makcik tue cm konon2 tak gumbire tue, tak yah tnye nape, mesh sy btau..die shedey sbb tak leh nk online.
key la. mengundurkn diri dulu.(terpakse) adios amigos!
tuan punye blog nie cakap..die lupe die ade blog. pastue die suh sy y tuliskn blog die nie, die cakap, buat la ape y ko nak buat.lalala.. satu lagi die kate die sibuk skng.. nak tahu die sibuk buat ape?? die kate die sibuk buat revision sbb exam final die da dekat sgt..huhu sebenarnye tipu je die tu opss...hehe
bukan sy tak tahu..die skng sibuk berangan nak balik msia.. tak abes2 pikir pasal msia. anak manje! buku je bukak kt depan mate. tapi otak die da terbang2..die kate, die tak de tulis listape y die nk blik msia.eleh, bleh caye ke???
satu lagi mood maen game die datang lagi.. jap2 bukak game, ish..sape2 nasihat kn la makcik nie.. mak die pesan suruh die study.tapi maen game.. ape da.
pastue die sibuk ngn zombie kt facebook tue. sy ingt lagi.. ms mule2 dulu, die cakap.. apsal sume org maen game zombie nie. tak cool la, tak best la..mcm2 la..ha! skng tgk la.. die y addicted ngn menatang tue..
hahaha. last2 kn laptop die cm buat hal.( laptop ngn tuan punye laptop same je.ade2 jee..) rs cam kesian jugak kt makcik tue, muke cm moyok cm ape ntah. buruk la y pasti.. tapi klu laptop die okie..bukan nye die nk study sgt.. jap2 online.so, tak nk la kesian kt die.. biar die. eleh. takde laptop pun die online jugak..em,pasnie nk pesan kt nawwar ngn sarah jgn kasi makcik tue pinjam laptop.(selmbek je pgl tuan nyer blog nie makcik.sori ye makcik,sori nek lori la..)
tp,dgr2 laptop die da siap format, semalm ke 2 hr lepas..tp tak leh nk connect ngn internet lagi..(gelak jahat) shiaaaan die tue..sape2 nmpak muke makcik tue cm konon2 tak gumbire tue, tak yah tnye nape, mesh sy btau..die shedey sbb tak leh nk online.
key la. mengundurkn diri dulu.(terpakse) adios amigos!
May 13, 2008
permintaan dila.
7 fakta tentang diri saya:
1.name penuh sy:Nor Farizah Bt Ja'afar. tapi sy suke tulis name saya:farieza.sy suke huruf E berada di antara i dan z itu.
2.sy ade banyak hobi. hobi y pling sy suka ialah berangan.ye, percayalah, sy sgt banyak berangan.
3.kucing kesayangan saya namanya Blebby.kasih syg sy padanya takberbelah bahagi.
4.2 helai baju kurung sy telah terbakar pada tahun ini kerana seterika itu.(harapan sy semoga tiada lagi baju sy y terbakar)
5.sy syg kawan sy.sy syg geng sy dulu.ABC. tapi kami da jarang bertegur mungkin kerana kesibukkan menuntut ilmu. sy sgt sedey.
6.sy sedang menyiapkan nota parasit tentang Filarial worms dan sy paling suka Loa Loa.kerana sy rase kelakar bila myebut nama parasit itu. loa loa loa loa.
7. sy suka paksa firuz makan ubat.we~
7 perkara menakutkan:
1-sy takut kehilangan mak sy. sy syg mak sgt2.sy tau die beliau juga syg pada sy.
2-sy takut kalau sy tergolong dikalangan org munafik.
3-sy takut kalau sy di campakkan ke dalam api neraka.
4-mimpi di kejar hantu y sedang lapar.
5-sy takut kalau sy buat org sekeliling sy sedey , sakit hati,tak gembira, n stuff.
6-binatang2 buas juga menakutkan sy.sy rs sy paling takut anaconda
7-sy takut waktu nak amik exam. tp mak sy selalu marah kalau sy takut.
7 lagu digemari buat masa skrg:
sy tidak update dgn lagu baru sekrang, berikut adalah lagu2 sy sy selalu dgr dlm minggu ini.
1-sampai syurga-faizal tahir (suara beliau sgt merdu,sy suka suma lagu beliau)
2-kayangan-ajai&tunku mimi (sy peminat ajai)
3-hariku indah~~ sy tak tahu tajuk lagu tersebut.sy selalu dgr itu di hot.fm akhir2 ini.
4-kepadamu kekasih-m.nasir (sy dgr di blog firuz)
5-i dun love u-MCR
6-apologize-timbaland feat one republik
7-hijau kuning-lagu bola negeri kedah
7 words yg sy slalu sebut:
1-oo ye ke??
7 perkara amat bernilai:
1-nyawa sy.
2-keluarga sy.
3-kasih sayang mereka pd sy
5-kenangan manis dan y tak manis.
6-kawan2 sy
7-kasih syh NYA
7 pertama kali dlm hidup sy:
1-nie la pertama kali sy batuk selama sebulan tnpa henti.huk3.
2-kali pertama sy kesekolah rendah, emak pakai kan sy baju, dan sikatkn rambut sy.
3-jam tangan pertama sy Alba,dihadiahkan oleh arwah ayah ms sy darjah 5
4-music box pertama sy dpat waktu sy darjah 6.sy sgt syg music box itu.
5-beg sekolah pertama sy ialah beg swan y banyak poket.
6-kali pertama sy di kejar monyet ketika bersekolah di taiping.
7-kali pertama sy buat kek coklat sy lupa masukkan gula.
7 org bertuah...jawab tag ni yer:
1-sy tidak mahu tag sesiapa.
kepada dila, terima kaseh kerana mtag sy.
1.name penuh sy:Nor Farizah Bt Ja'afar. tapi sy suke tulis name saya:farieza.sy suke huruf E berada di antara i dan z itu.
2.sy ade banyak hobi. hobi y pling sy suka ialah berangan.ye, percayalah, sy sgt banyak berangan.
3.kucing kesayangan saya namanya Blebby.kasih syg sy padanya takberbelah bahagi.
4.2 helai baju kurung sy telah terbakar pada tahun ini kerana seterika itu.(harapan sy semoga tiada lagi baju sy y terbakar)
5.sy syg kawan sy.sy syg geng sy dulu.ABC. tapi kami da jarang bertegur mungkin kerana kesibukkan menuntut ilmu. sy sgt sedey.
6.sy sedang menyiapkan nota parasit tentang Filarial worms dan sy paling suka Loa Loa.kerana sy rase kelakar bila myebut nama parasit itu. loa loa loa loa.
7. sy suka paksa firuz makan ubat.we~
7 perkara menakutkan:
1-sy takut kehilangan mak sy. sy syg mak sgt2.sy tau die beliau juga syg pada sy.
2-sy takut kalau sy tergolong dikalangan org munafik.
3-sy takut kalau sy di campakkan ke dalam api neraka.
4-mimpi di kejar hantu y sedang lapar.
5-sy takut kalau sy buat org sekeliling sy sedey , sakit hati,tak gembira, n stuff.
6-binatang2 buas juga menakutkan sy.sy rs sy paling takut anaconda
7-sy takut waktu nak amik exam. tp mak sy selalu marah kalau sy takut.
7 lagu digemari buat masa skrg:
sy tidak update dgn lagu baru sekrang, berikut adalah lagu2 sy sy selalu dgr dlm minggu ini.
1-sampai syurga-faizal tahir (suara beliau sgt merdu,sy suka suma lagu beliau)
2-kayangan-ajai&tunku mimi (sy peminat ajai)
3-hariku indah~~ sy tak tahu tajuk lagu tersebut.sy selalu dgr itu di hot.fm akhir2 ini.
4-kepadamu kekasih-m.nasir (sy dgr di blog firuz)
5-i dun love u-MCR
6-apologize-timbaland feat one republik
7-hijau kuning-lagu bola negeri kedah
7 words yg sy slalu sebut:
1-oo ye ke??
7 perkara amat bernilai:
1-nyawa sy.
2-keluarga sy.
3-kasih sayang mereka pd sy
5-kenangan manis dan y tak manis.
6-kawan2 sy
7-kasih syh NYA
7 pertama kali dlm hidup sy:
1-nie la pertama kali sy batuk selama sebulan tnpa henti.huk3.
2-kali pertama sy kesekolah rendah, emak pakai kan sy baju, dan sikatkn rambut sy.
3-jam tangan pertama sy Alba,dihadiahkan oleh arwah ayah ms sy darjah 5
4-music box pertama sy dpat waktu sy darjah 6.sy sgt syg music box itu.
5-beg sekolah pertama sy ialah beg swan y banyak poket.
6-kali pertama sy di kejar monyet ketika bersekolah di taiping.
7-kali pertama sy buat kek coklat sy lupa masukkan gula.
7 org bertuah...jawab tag ni yer:
1-sy tidak mahu tag sesiapa.
kepada dila, terima kaseh kerana mtag sy.
b u z z o f ~
at last,the chance had come, when the four of us went out together gether.( we did planned to makan2 before, but always i came out to be the one who not free, n unable to join)
well,it was enjoyable day, perhaps,outing with the girls will never eva disappointing.but seriously,it was so much fun! (haven't felt this feeling of pleasure for along time) bid hug to nana, for paying for the pizza! nana got awarded for being one of the best student.n this outing was like celebrating her la.personally,i felt hepi for all of her hard works was paid off.n hepi cause nana banje mkn.hik3.( bile time frz nak blnje korang lak eh?)
we got PBL class on that day, which unfortunately take extra 30 minutes.2 hours plus 30 mins= 2 hours 30 mins diccussing bout Hepatitis, indeed,it was not a boring class n thnks god for that.sure it's not boring cause we r free to do anything that we want to.like..erm eating! go0d news is that was last PBL class for this sem.*happy*


so we decided to stay lagi kt Green plaza, heading to fun corner, and guess what? kitorang maen bowling. yup bowling in baju kurung. i noe we looked so much retarded! but who cares~ i no good in bowling. but that day in baju kurung, i felt like,OUh im not that bad in bowling (perasan la).hehe..the day end with me got 2nd place in that games.
i went home n gosh i was soo tired!pastue konon2 study la kn,then tertido bersama2 buku~
i was happy that day,tak termasuk part y tertdo tue.
so, yeah, im looking forward to lepaking ngn diorang lagi.n hopefully diorang happy as much as i do.
okie la,thats all. gtg. da~
well,it was enjoyable day, perhaps,outing with the girls will never eva disappointing.but seriously,it was so much fun! (haven't felt this feeling of pleasure for along time) bid hug to nana, for paying for the pizza! nana got awarded for being one of the best student.n this outing was like celebrating her la.personally,i felt hepi for all of her hard works was paid off.n hepi cause nana banje mkn.hik3.( bile time frz nak blnje korang lak eh?)
we got PBL class on that day, which unfortunately take extra 30 minutes.2 hours plus 30 mins= 2 hours 30 mins diccussing bout Hepatitis, indeed,it was not a boring class n thnks god for that.sure it's not boring cause we r free to do anything that we want to.like..erm eating! go0d news is that was last PBL class for this sem.*happy*
for afraid that we'll be late, we decided to head directly to Green plaza straight afta that class.nak g makan2 je pun, so baju kurung will do.we order like everything y ade kat pizza QUeens (exaggerate gle).got to buy drinks from a cafee near the cinema tue,sbb milk shake kt pizza Queen not available. ape ntah nae kdai nye,*tak ingt* milk shakes kt situ way better than milk shake at HOT&COLD.late evening, sume da kenyang and like tnye sesame sendiri"nak balik da ke" which actually meaning is "tak nak balik lagi la".


so we decided to stay lagi kt Green plaza, heading to fun corner, and guess what? kitorang maen bowling. yup bowling in baju kurung. i noe we looked so much retarded! but who cares~ i no good in bowling. but that day in baju kurung, i felt like,OUh im not that bad in bowling (perasan la).hehe..the day end with me got 2nd place in that games.
i went home n gosh i was soo tired!pastue konon2 study la kn,then tertido bersama2 buku~
i was happy that day,tak termasuk part y tertdo tue.
so, yeah, im looking forward to lepaking ngn diorang lagi.n hopefully diorang happy as much as i do.
okie la,thats all. gtg. da~
May 09, 2008
ps. i love u.
girl : i saw him today
guy : i saw her today
girl : he looked as charming as ever
guy : she looked beautiful
girl : he didnt even look at me
guy : i couldnt even look at her without feeling pain and shy
girl : i went up to him
guy : she came up to me
girl : he didnt say anything
guy : i was tongue tied, she looked gorgeous
girl : he stared at me like i was stupid
guy : she left without saying goodbye
girl : i left cause i had to cry
guy : i still love her
girl : he doesnt love me anymore
guy : i'll never have her again..
girl : i'll always love him..
wtfish la..this dialogs make me cry.
(dun read that more than once, or u'll will feel nothing)
okie.gtg. im promised mum to study straight away afta this.
i luv u mum~ (still thinking sumthing for her during mother's DAY)
guy : i saw her today
girl : he looked as charming as ever
guy : she looked beautiful
girl : he didnt even look at me
guy : i couldnt even look at her without feeling pain and shy
girl : i went up to him
guy : she came up to me
girl : he didnt say anything
guy : i was tongue tied, she looked gorgeous
girl : he stared at me like i was stupid
guy : she left without saying goodbye
girl : i left cause i had to cry
guy : i still love her
girl : he doesnt love me anymore
guy : i'll never have her again..
girl : i'll always love him..
wtfish la..this dialogs make me cry.
(dun read that more than once, or u'll will feel nothing)
okie.gtg. im promised mum to study straight away afta this.
i luv u mum~ (still thinking sumthing for her during mother's DAY)
May 05, 2008
Malaysian day

march the 3rd was a day i shall not forget in a hurry.it was Malaysian Day..o n the days before also, which were really tough going for all the AJK of the Malaysian Day. i am pretty sure all of them still remember those days.days which they unable to open any medical book.they were too busy to do so.from my own eyes, i can says all the AJK + other students work hard days n nites, giving their very best for that days. sgt impress la ngn mereka2, xpecially those gals who made bunge telur. 160 in 2 days!! cayala~
the main objective of this day was to Introduce Malaysia to the Egyption,( i guess la), and if i am not mistaken,Prof Nagwa wanted us to make some activities which is not academic oriented, something out of medical stuff, and she decided that for making this Malaysian Day. Well, here the the best suitable time for students to show theirs talents,creativities, erm n others abilities that related.he~

the day start a little bit late,late of 10.
wut i like most bout that day were the performances by the students. they were Great! really.the dikir barat was cool n sgt tak leh blah~ plus sgt mengelikan hati. hik2. but, in my opinion, it would be much better if it was delivered in English, so that Egyptian can at least understand sumthing kn.besides, i enjoyed nesheed n zapin very much. and the kugiran also. i bet the egyptian njoy the kugiran the most. i did take a video of them(the egyptian students), n each time i saw that video i would saids "over nye laaa diorang nih~"
besides, some students volunteer to cook malasyian food for egyptian. ade satay+ kuah kacang+ nasi himpit. fariez pandang dari jauh, n amik bau je la~ (T T) tak sbr nak balik malaysia.
ade bnayk pameran jugak .pameran bout culture, festival, clothes, buildings, music intruments, n more( mls nye nk tulis n describes)

Pause to Reflect.
now that The day has past..wut i get?
i read the pamphlet of that day, there were Question bout Malaysia. perhap i am Egyptian, then i dun feel that bad for cannot answering the Quest.
1st Ques>> estimates population of malaysian?
2nd Quest>> parliment building is a symbol of...??
ayok! i dun noe the ans."am i truely malaysian?"
baru sedar, why goverment required student who wanna further studies in Oversea to get A for SPM.
O malaysia.
little i noe bout malaysia.
little i noe bout its history..
never in my live had i feel this feeling..
never in my life had i feel soo proud to be malaysian.
to be honest, i feel so gratefull to be malaysian.
little i noe bout malaysia.
little i noe bout its history..
never in my live had i feel this feeling..
never in my life had i feel soo proud to be malaysian.
to be honest, i feel so gratefull to be malaysian.
i once read a blog, telling bout attitude of malaysian student who studied abroad. they tend to said, "ouh japan is better in this bla2..","noe wut, india is way good bla2..","german bla2.."yup, they tend to make a comparation.i am not going to be like that.i hope so. cause i proud of my country..whether it is good or not.
cm peribahase melayu" hujan emas di negara org, hujan batu di negara sendiri. hujan batu will always preferred."
May 02, 2008
April 28, 2008
wawasan MRSM taiping
special dedication to NaNI y comel.
uwekk.tak cumel pun.lalala~
Nani,y aku tahu, bile ko sedey..
aku kena gembire kn ko balik.
sebab nye,bile ko sedey. aku tak gembira.
sebab nye, bile aku sedey, ko y bg aku senyum semula.
jgn sedey2 eh..
uwekk.tak cumel pun.lalala~
Nani,y aku tahu, bile ko sedey..
aku kena gembire kn ko balik.
sebab nye,bile ko sedey. aku tak gembira.
sebab nye, bile aku sedey, ko y bg aku senyum semula.
jgn sedey2 eh..
petang itu.
nani: aku sedey.ko nyanyi la satu satu lagu..
fariez: er,nak nyanyi lgu ape??wey, ko nk buli aku eh..
nani: fariez! aku tgh sedey nie.
fariez:(mula menyanyi dgn semangt nyer,hanye lagu ini y terlintas dikala itu)
ini bumi y kupijak,ini langit y ku junjung..
taiping bertuah bersejarah.subur indah dan menghijau,
di sinila gedung ilmu, generasi berwawasan,
harapan masyarakat dan ummah, jadi pemimpin nusa bangsa,
wawasan MRSM taiping, suci ideal dan realistik,
memupuk kemuafakatan sejati, citarasa inovatif dan kreatif,
lima jari di gengam dijulang,lima cabaran seiring harapan,
bersama doa restu semua kecemerlangan pasti abadi.
taiping bertuah bersejarah.subur indah dan menghijau,
di sinila gedung ilmu, generasi berwawasan,
harapan masyarakat dan ummah, jadi pemimpin nusa bangsa,
wawasan MRSM taiping, suci ideal dan realistik,
memupuk kemuafakatan sejati, citarasa inovatif dan kreatif,
lima jari di gengam dijulang,lima cabaran seiring harapan,
bersama doa restu semua kecemerlangan pasti abadi.
dgr suara tangisan, di hujung talian..
fariez: dulu kalau perhimpuanan, kite selau duduk kt depan kn.
nyanyi lagu nie semangat2.patut la org ckp kite nie "semangat"
ptg y sama..
fatimah: fariz....I miss our good old days :(
fariez: me tooo..nani baru ckp kt aku benda y same.
fatimah: aku da siap kn nescafe nie.nk stay up.
fariez : ade roti ngn mushroom sup tak??
(kitorng;nani,fariez,fatimah, slalu stay up ditemani air itu, dan makanan itu)
kenangan kat sekolah, adalah kenangan y terindah~
nani, fatimah!! jgn mls wey. semngt2!!
dulu kn kite semngt.semngat tahap dewa.
nape tak sekarang.. we r going to be a good doctor kn?!
nani, fatimah!! jgn mls wey. semngt2!!
dulu kn kite semngt.semngat tahap dewa.
nape tak sekarang.. we r going to be a good doctor kn?!
April 26, 2008
PMS.(totally bout Her)
she was obviously not like the other day,
u make nothing wrong,n instead u r trying so hard to chill her up.
u make jokes, telling her fun story.n stuff, all u wanted is to rejoices her.
but, she give u that looked, well u noe..xpression telling u that "u r not fun at all"
beware dude, in some situation she may blow u up.
opss, she got pimple.wut an obvious hints.
im talking bout PMS.(perasaan marah yg Sebulan sekali.lol)
okok. PMS is actually, abbreviations of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome .in other word is syndrome
before menstruation.
most apparent symptom is MOOD swings. lalala.chill~we got xcuse for being angry.it's not our fault,it's the Hormonnes.others are like ouch~jerawat..,
diarrhea, constipation.causes of diarrhea may be infections, malabsorbtions
n Inflammatory bowel disease(familiar? page 135 pathology text book)
so,xclude those horrifying causes ok.it just PMS.
pain like everywhere, joint, back, legs.plus, during this period women get tired easily.
more,a feeling of loneliness, depression,n poor concentration..
actually, there r more thn hundred.there are entry would be a meter long if i listed them all.
some facts bout this symptoms, it varies from women to women, and surprise,it varies from month to month also.
teens less common to xperince this,As she get older the symptoms get more evidence.
wonder what is the causes of this syndrome.well, there is no actual causes.
even scientists r still unable to identify the causes.
but it must have sumthing to do with the hormones.progesterone n estrogen.
little i noe bout those hormones.nutritional+ physiological factors also included.
note. fariez was not in her PMS this morning. i was really grrrr..due to accumulation of "ketidak puasan hati" with the XXX . so, why on earth im posting bout this. tanye sarah.
oh ya,to guy, hope PMS dun hinder u. buy her some chocs.[ starving for sweets things one of the symptoms].there was someone, who always understand me during that day of the month. erm..
to friends,be aware with your cycle.(even i, failed to cope with this,kuang3~)
u make nothing wrong,n instead u r trying so hard to chill her up.
u make jokes, telling her fun story.n stuff, all u wanted is to rejoices her.
but, she give u that looked, well u noe..xpression telling u that "u r not fun at all"
beware dude, in some situation she may blow u up.
opss, she got pimple.wut an obvious hints.
im talking bout PMS.(perasaan marah yg Sebulan sekali.lol)
okok. PMS is actually, abbreviations of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome .in other word is syndrome
before menstruation.
most apparent symptom is MOOD swings. lalala.chill~we got xcuse for being angry.it's not our fault,it's the Hormonnes.others are like ouch~jerawat..,
diarrhea, constipation.causes of diarrhea may be infections, malabsorbtions
n Inflammatory bowel disease(familiar? page 135 pathology text book)
so,xclude those horrifying causes ok.it just PMS.
pain like everywhere, joint, back, legs.plus, during this period women get tired easily.
more,a feeling of loneliness, depression,n poor concentration..
actually, there r more thn hundred.there are entry would be a meter long if i listed them all.
some facts bout this symptoms, it varies from women to women, and surprise,it varies from month to month also.
teens less common to xperince this,As she get older the symptoms get more evidence.
wonder what is the causes of this syndrome.well, there is no actual causes.
even scientists r still unable to identify the causes.
but it must have sumthing to do with the hormones.progesterone n estrogen.
little i noe bout those hormones.nutritional+ physiological factors also included.
note. fariez was not in her PMS this morning. i was really grrrr..due to accumulation of "ketidak puasan hati" with the XXX . so, why on earth im posting bout this. tanye sarah.
oh ya,to guy, hope PMS dun hinder u. buy her some chocs.[ starving for sweets things one of the symptoms].there was someone, who always understand me during that day of the month. erm..
to friends,be aware with your cycle.(even i, failed to cope with this,kuang3~)
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