November 01, 2010

Hello Inspiron.

i may sound a lil bit emotional so please ignore. or better do not read through this entry.

Yesterday, i'd spend more than 5 hours arguing with those egyption dekat Suk Komputer. urgh! i know it's not good to hate people, but i can handle it no more (some advise; jgn benci kat orang ) tapi tak boleh, rasa benci jugak.maybe i need a powerful detergent or clorox or something y boleh bersihkn hati. Bencil laaa. "Kenapa org arab ni suka menipu? kenapa eh??ape diorang igt duit haram tu bagus la?ee yuck!!"

Rasa traumatize betul, especially with those sweet talker Egyptian salesman. blwek!
tapi sekarang Fariez da okiela, totally free from adrenaline rush. The 5 hours of arguing worth me a new Black Inspiron Mini.I'd bought a gorgeous red Inspiron mini last week, and just discover that the keyboard is somehow arranged wrongly, straightaway i rush to the store where i bought it.

As the matter of fact,i'm really not sure how to respond with the salesman.Shud i give him a smile n complaint gently, or just come with a plain angry face( bcause he seem to gave me a rejected laptop,yup, that's purely what i had in mind ),but then i decide to act naturally.

The saleman actually laugh at me for complaining bout the laptop which triggers my anger.Die kate takde orang nk guna symbol ~ , symbol < ..mase tu, i was like, huh?? bukan ke awak sepatutnya gave me some empathy?or shud not? da la mende tu tak okie.pastu gelakkn fariez sbb guna those symbol. eeei!

Then,angrily i order him to fix it or else i want a new laptop. So there it goes.. 5 hours of trying to fix the laptop with me trying to convince him that he will never be able to fix it. u see ,obviously, the keyboard was manufacture wrongly! ( trust me,u do not want to know what exactly the problem of that freaking keyboard, because it's way too complicated to be explained n to be understand )

the time is ticking n the day is getting dark, and it's now the time for the store to be closed.. tapi tak siap2 jugak betulkan..da reinstall windows,software n all pastu fomat n re install again, what's more??huh.

well,thank god that finally he surrenders n give me a new laptop.

Lepas ni, if anyone wants to buy a Laptop kat Suk Komputer, i suggest, fikirla dua kali, it's better if u can buy it from somewhere else.somemore,kalau nk beli laptop, make sure u bring someone y mmg tahu pasal computer with u.

Tq ALLAH, i know i can never thank YOU enough.
Thanks, Aza, Nik, Nani, Fairuz n Tkay for being caring n understanding.

oh! one of my dreams comes true , baru sedar.


MRS CAI said...

ha drpd entry blog kau yg wishlist tu la aku tahu kau mmg dh lame nk laptop merah tuh!!!!! hehe

f a i r u z said...

alhamdulillah...sume nye dah ok kan.... jeles lak die ade dell.. :)

Miss Dels said...

alalalaa sy pon pakai dell inspiron jugak tapi model lain la.. tp skrg die dah mrajuk dgn sy. touchpad buttons die dah mcm rosak. wuwuuu sy syg laptop ni. anyways slamat mnjadi warga dell! haha.. :P

CONNIE said...

nani,smlm aku tertdo. nk dgr cerita hot dr ko!erm ptg karang ade kls arab.malam2 sket eh .

Firuz :orang ade baby inspiron je while u have baby V, Baby N, Baby i-P . no need to jeles ma.

Dels:syg, i know u are using Dell . n tau awak mmg jenis y setia dgn barang.( dgn org jugak kn ) :P

ayesha said...

dell best..pecayala..hehe..