And it should encourage u to attend every class of elective course. Because u are the one who are eager to be in that elective course.Isn't?? but why on earth, some of students escape from the class?? it's not that i have a problem with that,i don't mind pun.cuma rasa mcm, wa~ overnye kau ponteng smpai berhari2,tak rasa bersalah eh??
anyway, fariez pilih Neonatal Care as my 1st elective course for this semester. Some may want to know, how bout the far okie la.. got silibus n timetable, nampak lebih systematic compare to Radiology class which i took last year. cuma , class sepatutnya start pukul 9, but usually ( i mean the last few days ) the class started one hour late(more or less). itu menguji kesabaran jugak la.but starting next week, i think ,that will no longer be a problem, bcause the Doc allow us to go around the NICU, and make a noenatal examinations as much as we like.that's just great!!
This neonate was the 1st case we were xpose to.It's break our hearts when we saw this poor baby. berat betul ujian buat bayi kecil ni.She's on a battlefield at a very early stage of life.Dr Hassan said, even if she could survive, she'll facing a neurodevelopmental problems.Again, my heart broke into pieces :(
very tiny lil fingers. ( grasping reflex present )
Muka baby ni suci sgt! cant stop comparing myself with them. macam, aahh, banyak nye dosa-dosa compare dgn korang-korang y putih bersih suci murni ni.(i really hope they grown up to be a good person!)
12pm, is feeding time, the most exciting session i guess :) bukan baby yang excited, org yang nk bagi susu y excited. the pic above as a prove :P
this is during resuscitation session, done on newly born baby.Muka baby tu subhanallah, mmg sama sebijik macam muka mak die.kagum betul dgn ciptaan Allah.
:) :) :) ( senyum banyak2)
Saadah, Husan, Mizah, n was a very tiring day, we were standing through all the session, but yet mereka masih mampu untuk tersenyum. :)
that's me! singing a soothing lullaby while feeding the premature baby :) btw, he has a very shiny beautiful eyes! I adore his eyes very much.
i cant help to not telling u guy bout this baby. she been there for a quite sometimes,well actually, she's ready to be discharged. but nobody wants sad! oh, lupe nk ckp, die ade kembar.their mum ran away, and left them. sedey betul.sgt :( ramai org yang nak anak kembar, boleh pulak mak die tinggalkn diorang.till the procedure done, they will afterwards given to orphanage.
Bukan kah kita sepatutnya bersyukur?
kalau haku mmg xsuke la neonate.. xsampai hati tgk.. sedey kot
haku mula2 tgk diornag sedey jgak.nk sentuh ape tah lagi. tak berani pas seminggu jap da okie.haku suke je.
aiyo sianye tgk baby tu...
:) :) :) senyum banyak2 :)
aww mata dia.
Patutlah baby2 muka macam Ara je..kat Mesir rupanya.
kesian baby kembar tu..T__T
*suka baca blog bakal-bakal doktor.bertuah korang belajar macam best je.
kak farizzzzz
besnye neonate..
nti sy second ni neonate gak
arap2 bes gak.hehe
Firuz: kan kan..
sermo: they all got pretty eyes.biru-biru kelabu.jatuh cinta tgk!
che'ila : huwaa~ tak sure la bertuah ke tak dapat study medic ni.
Nani SR : best2! Fariez suka ^_^
All are future doctors huh.... keep up the good work... this country is proud of you all
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