Seriously, the first thing that came out from my mind was "oo okay, macam ni la rase die" it's not thaat Bad la.i did feel like I need a hug,like,"can someone come and offer me a hug or at least a gentle rub at my spiny part".i need to feel comfort! but then i realizes that..
i just need to choose : to feel bad out of it and grief or just moving on.yeah.betul la kan...note that,today and now on im going to put a positive view in my good or bad events of my life just to make each moment enjoyable.meaningful.better.
i feel complete now,and Ready to go.Let's meet another events in this journey of life!
ohgosh, Finally, i've grown up!
i'm consider myself hugged.
(Myhousemates,they ignore me. i wonder why. have they loss their sense of empathy? T_T" )
But,if anyone care to share a hug,i am more than happy to accept :)
kak fariez, i have been through those things.
and the worse part about touching the ground, is keep doing nothing.
you are not tested on things you can't afford to get through. :)
best wishes :)
huggies jom :D
kak fariez,
ari sabtu kite *hugs* okeh
yup,me too
penah rase perasaan itu
Allah syg kite,kite terpilih utk rase perasaan itu
fariez sentiasa kuat, kan!
exam yang mendatang ni kite buat yang paling baik walaupun yang dulu pun kite tetap buat yang terbaik..
insyaALLAH bantuan ALLAH tu sentiasa ada..
jap gi kalu fariz rasa ade angin datang peluk fariz, tu kita la yang anta dari azarita.. special.
good luck study k!
salam wbt kak fariez,
cepat2 recover utk next events.
keep on going, saya tau kak fariez dah letak usaha paling tinggi dah utk setiap benda yg kak fariez buat.i can see them.seriously.
sorry tak sempat pg tgk result sama2.kalau tak acara peluk memeluk mesti dah jadi. i'll give u mine someday :)
slamat bermujahadah, kak fariez..
all the best!
sy nk share sajak dr mahathir ni..
sbb sy sgt suke part ni..
"Perjuangan Belum Selesai"
Hari ini,,jln ini,,pasti smkin
Kerana mse dpan belum tentu
mnjanjikan syurga...
Utk mereka yg lemah dan mudah
Perjuangan kita belum selesai,,
Kerana HANYA YG CEKAL DAN TABAH dapat MEMBINA MERCU TANDA bangsanya yg berjaya...
p/s: moga kfariez cekal n tabah mnghadapi dugaan n ujian ni..
gudluck in coming exam..
rabbuna yusahhil...
i know u can do better than now .....
mok's owner will always give you fully matter what..
-mok's owner-
muahaha. u guy are the best la!Terima kaseh ye kawan2.:)
*hugsss* (squeezing u guy tightly with my bear hug )
*Peng ngn tuan Mok msuk sekali :)
kak, x worry...
papehal ko roger aku..
aku sntiasa ade support k0 =)
gd luckn exam ...
ko nak support ape nik?
hehehe. aku nk mintak support financially boleh? :P
*kering kontang poket bulan ni*
(tergolek aku jatuh katil)
haha financial kak??
nnti aku jd ah long..
aku x abes bace lg ni... mati2...
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