org sekarang lebih memandang rupa.
kalau nak berkenalan, nak tgk gambr dulu la. nk tgk webcam la.
kenapa tak berkawan je.tak yah la nk tgk gmbr. tak suke betul.
haha. sbb ape tak suke?
sbb sy tak cantek. nnt diorang mesti tak nk kwn sy.
hahaha.mcm i nak je kwn ngn org mcm tu.
hahaha lagi.
tibe2 je ckp psl ni kn..anyway, sbnrnye smlm busan,pastu frz msuk chatroom.
lame tak mostly, sume macam tu.nk tgk gmbr. bertmbah busan i.
Malaysia pkul 3 pagi kot waktu tu. haih. fariez2.
ape nk buat, nak ajak roomates sembng sume busy.
nak call mak, mak tdo. (alasan)
kepada y menyayangi sy walaupun sy tak cantek.
sila klik sini. lovely colour.
and doakn saya berjiwa tenang waktu exam.
semoga dapat jawab soalan2 nanti. amin
ha. mereka y bagi sms gudluck, doa, n sbgainye.
wa~ fariez takde kredit nak reply.
sgt malas nak keluar rumah.
gudluck untuk korang jugak.
o and chempiang " i was thinking of u, when i got your sms.serius tak tipu"
sile klik lovely colour jugak. sy bukan les tau.
June 30, 2009
June 26, 2009
Pandai-pandaila pilih kawan
haih. td mcm bnyak je nk tulis..
lambat sgt internet ni, smpai lesap semua idea..
td bercakap dgn kawan-kawan bercerita pasal kawan..
erm, ckp pasal kawan.teringat baba.baba kalau hantar akak pergi asrama, mase salam tu,macam2 baba pesan.tapi yang paling kerap die pesan
kalau perangai frz teruk je kat rumah, malas kuat merajuk,selalu mengamuk2,bergaduh ngn adek2,dan macam lagi (haih takkn nk list semua kot) baba akan pesan.
kalau hujung minggu, nak mintak keluar dgn kawan pergi taman esplanade (taman permainan dekat rumah) jgn mintak dekat baba. jgn harap die nak bagi.baba tak suka anak2 die berkawan dgn org.die cakap nnt banyak perangai pelik kitorang bawak balik. mintak kat mak, pujuk2, baru dapat. tapi muka baba, tak senyum. die mmg tak suka. baba cakap
kalau result keluar, dan tak berapa elok , frz cakap "ala, kawan akak lg ramai y teruk, takpe je" mmg nk kne la.. baba mengamuk mcm ape.
bile da msuk sekolah kat Taiping, baba tau anak die da besar, baba da tak pesan jgn brkawan, tapi baba pesan ...
akak rs nk peluk baba lagi sekali.
lambat sgt internet ni, smpai lesap semua idea..
td bercakap dgn kawan-kawan bercerita pasal kawan..
erm, ckp pasal kawan.teringat baba.baba kalau hantar akak pergi asrama, mase salam tu,macam2 baba pesan.tapi yang paling kerap die pesan
" dekat asrama jgn ikut perangai kawan "
kalau perangai frz teruk je kat rumah, malas kuat merajuk,selalu mengamuk2,bergaduh ngn adek2,dan macam lagi (haih takkn nk list semua kot) baba akan pesan.
" balik cuti bulan depan, perangai2 tak elok tu, tinggal je la dekat asrama"
kalau hujung minggu, nak mintak keluar dgn kawan pergi taman esplanade (taman permainan dekat rumah) jgn mintak dekat baba. jgn harap die nak bagi.baba tak suka anak2 die berkawan dgn org.die cakap nnt banyak perangai pelik kitorang bawak balik. mintak kat mak, pujuk2, baru dapat. tapi muka baba, tak senyum. die mmg tak suka. baba cakap
" keluar tu jangan lama2,"
kalau result keluar, dan tak berapa elok , frz cakap "ala, kawan akak lg ramai y teruk, takpe je" mmg nk kne la.. baba mengamuk mcm ape.
"jgnla nak ikut kawan !! "
bile da msuk sekolah kat Taiping, baba tau anak die da besar, baba da tak pesan jgn brkawan, tapi baba pesan ...
"akak da besar, pandai2 la pilih kawan "

June 23, 2009
medical school is killing me.
dying or continue kicking?
dying or continue kicking?
nak exam macam2 rase ade.
takut, sedey, letih, all well mixed.
"da besaq, Igt apa tujuan akak d cna,
Buang sikap malas tu,Tauk jauh2
ambik semangat baru.."mak
will be on hiatus till god knows when
takut, sedey, letih, all well mixed.
"da besaq, Igt apa tujuan akak d cna,
Buang sikap malas tu,Tauk jauh2
ambik semangat baru.."mak
June 21, 2009
Oh My Other Honey Bee
Honey Bee-Zee Avi
I am a honey bee,
I am a honey bee,
shunned off from the colony
and they won't let me in
So I left the hive,
They took away all my straps
and broke off both my wings
So I'll find another tree
and make the wind my friend
I'll just sing with the birds
They'll tell me secrets of the world
But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn't wanna be
But my darling, honey bee
I'll come save you
Even if it means I'd have to face the queen
Da param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram
So I'll come prepared,
My new friends say they would help me
get my loved one back
They say it isn't right,
To be self control of your mind
but I choose not to believe that
So we'll meet in the darkness of the night,
and I promised I will be there all time
We'll be guided by my new friends, the butterflies,
bring us back to our own little hive
Oh my other honey bee,
No longer stuck where he doesn't want to be
Oh my darling, honey bee,
I have saved you
And now that you're with me,
we can make our own honey
~ Oh param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram ~
taken from here
and they won't let me in
So I left the hive,
They took away all my straps
and broke off both my wings
So I'll find another tree
and make the wind my friend
I'll just sing with the birds
They'll tell me secrets of the world
But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn't wanna be
But my darling, honey bee
I'll come save you
Even if it means I'd have to face the queen
Da param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram
So I'll come prepared,
My new friends say they would help me
get my loved one back
They say it isn't right,
To be self control of your mind
but I choose not to believe that
So we'll meet in the darkness of the night,
and I promised I will be there all time
We'll be guided by my new friends, the butterflies,
bring us back to our own little hive
Oh my other honey bee,
No longer stuck where he doesn't want to be
Oh my darling, honey bee,
I have saved you
And now that you're with me,
we can make our own honey
~ Oh param pam param pam
Para ra ra pa pa ra ram ~
taken from here
song lyrics
June 16, 2009
Jangan Jadi Anjing.
pagi : tangan luka, tesagat cermin yang pecah.dua jari terlibat.tak sangka boleh berdarah dgn teruk, luka sikit je pun. lame jugak lap2 darah tu. frz lap darah tu macam tgh practical physio, lap darah untuk kira coagulation time. poyo sekejap pg td.
kelas:Doctor yang bg lecture pscyho buat aksi anjing. dgn lidah terkeluar. eeuww! seriusly, i was very annoyed by that. frz mmg tak suka anjing. sgt. tolong la.GELI!! so fariez pandng tempat laen. nak berlakon jd anjing buat la.. frz nk tgk dinding ni.
berapa kerat sgt org y dtg lecture hr ni. exam nk dekat. sape y nak buang mase dtg lecture psl bende y sama banyak2 kali.sape ?? Frz dtg ! tp mgomel2 tak puas hati. pun sama teruk dgn org y tak dtg.
Doctor tu perasan kot, frz tak pandang die.die nmpak frz buat muke jelek kt gaya die jg anjing tu. some may feel he is cute. teruskn rase bagitu. sy tak halang, dan sy minta jangan halang sy untuk rase jelek dgn gaya die. (masih terbayang muke die , dgn bunyi anjing yang di buat2)
doctor nie mmg suka buat contoh.bagus la. senang anak murid nak paham.
lepas die buat gaya anjing, die buat gaya kucing pulak.
waktu die nak terangkan pasal generalization and discrimination.die bagi contoh.(kamu yang tak dtg lecture ,mesti tak tahu kan. takpe. jgn lupa bace. ) contoh die bunyi begini..
"if this one malaysian girl make i hate her, (pointing at me), then 'll hate all the other malaysian girl. You understand me, even if the others had done nothing "
doc ni mmg psycho! apsal nk pointed kt sy.or it is only me y perasaan.haih.
lecture seterusnye : Frz tak tahu lecture ape lps tu. sy rase lebih bagus sy buat revision pathology. maka, sy bergerak ke department.
tgh hari : dapat msg dekat Friendster. ye awak y hantar. takde sape y selalu hantr msg kat friendster sy kecuali awak! awak tau awak siapa. awak nk ape sebenarnye? apa niat awak?
ptg : sy telah mengaplikasikan, actively forgetting supaya superego berpuas hati. ini dipanggil repression. tu y sy tulis dekat status YM .ade y concern dan bertnya." kenapa depress2 ni?"
fariez : bukan depress, repression.aku nk lupekan bende2 y menghalang aku rs bahgia.
die jawab "owh dgn melupakan kisah2 cinta kita?"okie. die buat lawak. sy tak penah becinta dgn die. tp die mengingatkn frz, kes frz kene fitnah kua dating ngn dia. Sy tak penah kua dgn dia! suka2 je buat y buat cerita tu tak penah mintak maap. takpe kita jumpe kat sana.
masih ptg : nak edit gambr la.bukak external hardisk, tapi nampak movie2 y belum tgk. tajuk mcm cte hantu" scare to die" jom tgk! lepas sejam, cte hantu la konon. smbung cte laen. cte SAW. oo org cakap cerita Ghost tiru cerita ni. jom tgk! cerita org bunuh orang rupanya, dgn aksi yang mengerikan.frz takde perasaan.tak rase takut.rasa tak rasa best. tutup.
seterusnya: nak buat ape. kacau org kat ym jom.
tu bende yang paling sy myesal hari ni. kacau/tegur org dekat YM.
kelas:Doctor yang bg lecture pscyho buat aksi anjing. dgn lidah terkeluar. eeuww! seriusly, i was very annoyed by that. frz mmg tak suka anjing. sgt. tolong la.GELI!! so fariez pandng tempat laen. nak berlakon jd anjing buat la.. frz nk tgk dinding ni.
berapa kerat sgt org y dtg lecture hr ni. exam nk dekat. sape y nak buang mase dtg lecture psl bende y sama banyak2 kali.sape ?? Frz dtg ! tp mgomel2 tak puas hati. pun sama teruk dgn org y tak dtg.
Doctor tu perasan kot, frz tak pandang die.die nmpak frz buat muke jelek kt gaya die jg anjing tu. some may feel he is cute. teruskn rase bagitu. sy tak halang, dan sy minta jangan halang sy untuk rase jelek dgn gaya die. (masih terbayang muke die , dgn bunyi anjing yang di buat2)
doctor nie mmg suka buat contoh.bagus la. senang anak murid nak paham.
lepas die buat gaya anjing, die buat gaya kucing pulak.
waktu die nak terangkan pasal generalization and discrimination.die bagi contoh.(kamu yang tak dtg lecture ,mesti tak tahu kan. takpe. jgn lupa bace. ) contoh die bunyi begini..
"if this one malaysian girl make i hate her, (pointing at me), then 'll hate all the other malaysian girl. You understand me, even if the others had done nothing "
doc ni mmg psycho! apsal nk pointed kt sy.or it is only me y perasaan.haih.
lecture seterusnye : Frz tak tahu lecture ape lps tu. sy rase lebih bagus sy buat revision pathology. maka, sy bergerak ke department.
tgh hari : dapat msg dekat Friendster. ye awak y hantar. takde sape y selalu hantr msg kat friendster sy kecuali awak! awak tau awak siapa. awak nk ape sebenarnye? apa niat awak?
ptg : sy telah mengaplikasikan, actively forgetting supaya superego berpuas hati. ini dipanggil repression. tu y sy tulis dekat status YM .ade y concern dan bertnya." kenapa depress2 ni?"
fariez : bukan depress, repression.aku nk lupekan bende2 y menghalang aku rs bahgia.
die jawab "owh dgn melupakan kisah2 cinta kita?"okie. die buat lawak. sy tak penah becinta dgn die. tp die mengingatkn frz, kes frz kene fitnah kua dating ngn dia. Sy tak penah kua dgn dia! suka2 je buat y buat cerita tu tak penah mintak maap. takpe kita jumpe kat sana.
masih ptg : nak edit gambr la.bukak external hardisk, tapi nampak movie2 y belum tgk. tajuk mcm cte hantu" scare to die" jom tgk! lepas sejam, cte hantu la konon. smbung cte laen. cte SAW. oo org cakap cerita Ghost tiru cerita ni. jom tgk! cerita org bunuh orang rupanya, dgn aksi yang mengerikan.frz takde perasaan.tak rase takut.rasa tak rasa best. tutup.
seterusnya: nak buat ape. kacau org kat ym jom.
tu bende yang paling sy myesal hari ni. kacau/tegur org dekat YM.
sy patut percaya, cakap ahli nujum dekat library td ,
"it's your hormones la, Riez."
"it's your hormones la, Riez."
June 15, 2009
Nobody is perfect
A day before yesterday, i had a fight with him. and he eventually showed me his true color. (which is NOT good, and it somehow freak me)He tried so hard to explain, i heard his voice, but my mind was somewhere else. and he just knew that i'm not there. and asked me, "what am i thinking about?" for god sake i'll never tell him. so i said nothing. it is so typical me.
At first we were like indirectly blaming each other, i was totally in control at first,I was not angry at all.but then, it turned out differently when i knew he purposely ignored my sms.(he told me) so unbelievable! ( yup, i forget nobody is perfect, neither him) Why on earth i'm still expecting that he is way different. well, I'm wrong! Nobody is perfect, that is a real fact.
After the session of blaming each other didn't seem to bring any solution, he start to blame others( not me, someone else). but i felt that is not their fault and it's not fair either, so i stand up for them.
I knew i am very irresistible, i knew it. and walla! I've made him change his words, he no longer blaming other but instead he blame himself. i found it's sweets.. when he helplessly said. "okie, then it's my mistake la " i wanted to laugh, ( u may not understand why, even i don't ) .. but i really felt that he act is sweets .then i said "'s your fault :) "
usually, i would felt guilty and i'll say, "okie la it's mine,not yours" "seriously, it's me"
but that night, i knew it's mine, but instead of continue arguing with him, i just agree to what he is saying. u get me?i just want all this to be over.
but, i guess he didn't felt good when i agree that it's all his..
to cut it short.. at last we both together said, "it's our fault"
then , i went to sleep while he continues his day.
At first we were like indirectly blaming each other, i was totally in control at first,I was not angry at all.but then, it turned out differently when i knew he purposely ignored my sms.(he told me) so unbelievable! ( yup, i forget nobody is perfect, neither him) Why on earth i'm still expecting that he is way different. well, I'm wrong! Nobody is perfect, that is a real fact.
After the session of blaming each other didn't seem to bring any solution, he start to blame others( not me, someone else). but i felt that is not their fault and it's not fair either, so i stand up for them.
I knew i am very irresistible, i knew it. and walla! I've made him change his words, he no longer blaming other but instead he blame himself. i found it's sweets.. when he helplessly said. "okie, then it's my mistake la " i wanted to laugh, ( u may not understand why, even i don't ) .. but i really felt that he act is sweets .then i said "'s your fault :) "
usually, i would felt guilty and i'll say, "okie la it's mine,not yours" "seriously, it's me"
but that night, i knew it's mine, but instead of continue arguing with him, i just agree to what he is saying. u get me?i just want all this to be over.
but, i guess he didn't felt good when i agree that it's all his..
to cut it short.. at last we both together said, "it's our fault"
then , i went to sleep while he continues his day.
June 11, 2009
Life is short !!
Betapa hidup ini sementara.
ntah sampai bila nyawa yang ALLAH pinjamkan ini akan di ambil semula.
lemah diri bila merasa kan saat-saat kematian yang kian hampir.
takut..dgn dosa-dosa yang akan tarik mengheret msuk ke neraka.
kawan-kawan, maaf kan salah silap fariez.
maafkan fariez atas hak sahabat2 yang frz tak tunaikan.
maafkan fariez. atas bahasa-bahasa yang kasar dan meyakitkan hati.
..............................................................................................................................ntah sampai bila nyawa yang ALLAH pinjamkan ini akan di ambil semula.
lemah diri bila merasa kan saat-saat kematian yang kian hampir.
takut..dgn dosa-dosa yang akan tarik mengheret msuk ke neraka.
kawan-kawan, maaf kan salah silap fariez.
maafkan fariez atas hak sahabat2 yang frz tak tunaikan.
maafkan fariez. atas bahasa-bahasa yang kasar dan meyakitkan hati.
syahdu rase tgh malam ni..ade sesuatu yang meruntun jiwa.
meyentak perasaan yang selama ini selesa.
Ya ALLAH , selamatkan mereka.
Ya ALLAH, selamatkan mereka.
Ya ALLAH, selamatkan mereka.
Allah lebih meyayangi nya ..Saudara Ammar bin Zulkifli , telah di panggil "pulang".
just thought,
June 05, 2009
Binatang guna ym.
ade seorang nie, add sy dekat ym.
gune nama ALONG. saya mati-mati ingat along jiran pun accept.
tibe2 die tnya frz, nama ape, umur berapa.
kenapa sy boleh terpikir yang along sje2 nak kene kan sy?
frz tak jwb tp tnye. awak sape?
saya manusiala, takkan binatang.
ya ALLAH. annoying gila jawapan
and then, this manusia keeps asking my name.
like thousand times, till i tell this manusia "sy fariez."
guess what the manusia asked later.
awak lelaki ke pempuan?
and i was like, geli gle, nie mesti lelaki mane ntah y tak reti nak approach org tapi hati nya nak juga berkawan.
then, this manusia keeps asking,
" awak lelaki ke perempuan."
" awak lelaki ke perempuan."
"ala, bitau la "
" awak lelaki ke perempuan"
"nape awak tak jawab"
nak je fariez jawab" sy pondan, sbb tu sy malu nk jawab"
tapi nanti kang panjang lebar plak.nape frz tak ckp je lelaki kn?
sbb, frz tak nak tanggung dosa menipu manuia ni,so frz diam je la..
manusia nie macam tak puas hati. die tnya lagi " awak takut ke"
i just give this manusia a silent..
later he said somemore " lelaki ke perempuan" ( i consider this manusia a he, cause obviously a girls won't do that, agree?)
maybe he's sick of my silent and said " awak ni takut ke bodoh?"
and i was like doe.pape je la kau. (dalam hari, malas nak layan)
oo, and i forget to tell this manusia said that he is from ulu yam.
memalukan org ulu yam la kamu nie. to anyone out there, if u wanna make friends..
Jangan meniru aksi manusia tersebut.
gune nama ALONG. saya mati-mati ingat along jiran pun accept.
tibe2 die tnya frz, nama ape, umur berapa.
kenapa sy boleh terpikir yang along sje2 nak kene kan sy?
frz tak jwb tp tnye. awak sape?
saya manusiala, takkan binatang.
ya ALLAH. annoying gila jawapan
and then, this manusia keeps asking my name.
like thousand times, till i tell this manusia "sy fariez."
guess what the manusia asked later.
awak lelaki ke pempuan?
and i was like, geli gle, nie mesti lelaki mane ntah y tak reti nak approach org tapi hati nya nak juga berkawan.
then, this manusia keeps asking,
" awak lelaki ke perempuan."
" awak lelaki ke perempuan."
"ala, bitau la "
" awak lelaki ke perempuan"
"nape awak tak jawab"
nak je fariez jawab" sy pondan, sbb tu sy malu nk jawab"
tapi nanti kang panjang lebar plak.nape frz tak ckp je lelaki kn?
sbb, frz tak nak tanggung dosa menipu manuia ni,so frz diam je la..
manusia nie macam tak puas hati. die tnya lagi " awak takut ke"
i just give this manusia a silent..
later he said somemore " lelaki ke perempuan" ( i consider this manusia a he, cause obviously a girls won't do that, agree?)
maybe he's sick of my silent and said " awak ni takut ke bodoh?"
and i was like doe.pape je la kau. (dalam hari, malas nak layan)
oo, and i forget to tell this manusia said that he is from ulu yam.
memalukan org ulu yam la kamu nie. to anyone out there, if u wanna make friends..
Jangan meniru aksi manusia tersebut.
weird people
June 04, 2009
what we called people who resistance to change their state of EMOTION and PERCEPTION?
Is it inertia? :p
Inertia is resistance to change motion la frz. not Emotion.
I'm searching for the word...
maybe the doc who gives the lectures about Behaviour know the word.
(Doc physco with one hand resting on his gut)
Is it inertia? :p
Inertia is resistance to change motion la frz. not Emotion.
I'm searching for the word...
maybe the doc who gives the lectures about Behaviour know the word.
(Doc physco with one hand resting on his gut)
just thought
June 02, 2009
breath to continue living
i plead this little strength will carry me forward.
yesterday midterm was manageable.I've got to be honest to myself after taking it. i know i won't be getting an A, an A is way to high to get, not even in my dreams. but what the important thing is i keep on trying, perhaps for this moment.
i know i' not that good in my study,but it's not fair to treat me like i know nothing. :( u know, how it hurt so much when I'm trying to help, to give an opinion, and u just pretending like u don't hear me.
is that how you treat your friend? am i you friend anyway?
yesterday midterm was manageable.I've got to be honest to myself after taking it. i know i won't be getting an A, an A is way to high to get, not even in my dreams. but what the important thing is i keep on trying, perhaps for this moment.
i know i' not that good in my study,but it's not fair to treat me like i know nothing. :( u know, how it hurt so much when I'm trying to help, to give an opinion, and u just pretending like u don't hear me.
is that how you treat your friend? am i you friend anyway?
my dear reader(s) this matters may not even be of any interest for you.thanks to read this.this is it..
let go.
pray for me guys..while i'm working with this teeny weenie darn strength..
that will carry me foward..
rainy day
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