she was obviously not like the other day,
u make nothing wrong,n instead u r trying so hard to chill her up.
u make jokes, telling her fun story.n stuff, all u wanted is to rejoices her.
but, she give u that looked, well u noe..xpression telling u that "u r not fun at all"
beware dude, in some situation she may blow u up.
opss, she got pimple.wut an obvious hints.
im talking bout PMS.(perasaan marah yg Sebulan
okok. PMS is actually, abbreviations of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome .in other word is syndrome
before menstruation.
most apparent symptom is MOOD swings. lalala.chill~we got xcuse for being's not our fault,it's the Hormonnes.others are like ouch~jerawat..,
diarrhea, constipation.causes of diarrhea may be infections, malabsorbtions
n Inflammatory bowel disease(familiar? page 135 pathology text book)
so,xclude those horrifying causes just PMS.
pain like everywhere, joint, back,, during this period women get tired easily.
more,a feeling of loneliness, depression,n poor concentration..
actually, there r more thn hundred.there are entry would be a meter long if i listed them all.
some facts bout this symptoms, it varies from women to women, and surprise,it varies from month to month also.
teens less common to xperince this,As she get older the symptoms get more evidence.
wonder what is the causes of this syndrome.well, there is no actual causes.
even scientists r still unable to identify the causes.
but it must have sumthing to do with the hormones.progesterone n estrogen.
little i noe bout those hormones.nutritional+ physiological factors also included.
note. fariez was not in her PMS this morning. i was really grrrr..due to accumulation of "ketidak puasan hati" with the XXX . so, why on earth im posting bout this. tanye sarah.
oh ya,to guy, hope PMS dun hinder u. buy her some chocs.[ starving for sweets things one of the symptoms].there was someone, who always understand me during that day of the month. erm..
to friends,be aware with your cycle.(even i, failed to cope with this,kuang3~)
itulah sunnah allah yg menjadikan hambaNya mcm tu...
kite manusia diberi akal utk explore segala rahsia yg dijadikanNya...
sabor ye k.fariez
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