March 26, 2012

Recently from zagazig

It was 3am and was rather dark upon our arrival at zagzig. There was really not enough light to have everything visible, only dogs barking sounds and sometimes a harsh hee-haawww can be clearly heard. On the next morning, we were surprised by the goodly green view from the wide open window! MasyaAllah, it feels so pure & refreshing , and really i just falls in love with zagzig instantly.
That's me caught in action,having both hands up and 3 feets away from the opponent.
(this photo credit & copyright goes to Liyana )

this pic was taken just after kalah dengan Cairo. it was unbelievable,like seriously we should had win the game. Kitorang dah leading on the 1st half! tapi itulah takde rezeki, but still kitorang boleh senyum and that's awesome :')
i love this pic without a reason. from left,Najah, Nisa, Nana dan saya :)

The greatest lesson yang fariez belajar from the game is that i shall always and always have my emotional stable in any situation.It might be a  huge downfall but that's not a reason to have a mental breakdown..i'll keep my emotional intact,have faith and just do my best.

what ever the outcome is,surely it is best for me.Only Allah knows, while i  know not.

All praises to Allah, for the bronze medal.

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