December 02, 2010

Be kind please.

1.Nothing i do is ever good enough.
and i am aware that i will never be able to make everyone happy and satisfied.
people will keep criticizes as much as they want,
and they can even hates for the way i am.
not that i care.cause hates will not break me (us) down, but yours.

2.Nothing i do is ever good enough,
and if someone ever appreciates the things that i'm doing.
Ignore me, n keep it to yourself. that's more that enough.more than enough.

3.i'm not longing for a huge success.
cause for a tiny lil success i will rejoice it as if it's a huge one.
(thanks Prof Dr Yaser )

4.i wanna live a life with a less drama.
because i've learn, that a drama-less life makes me happier.
much much happier.

5.if u have a secret, keep it to yourself!
 Don't blame others when u are the 1st one who blurt it out.
Yes, u are the one to be blamed!

Randomness of today timeline.


Hellioz said...

1 manusia xpernah cukup

4. Srsly?
jarang jmpe perempuan yang tak suka berdrama and for this, i salute u.

5. Always, keep it to yourself.

CONNIE said...

wek!!i'm sick of dramatic life!

(oh, incik Hell, tak sangka awak drop me a comment.thnks)