March 24, 2010
Ade masalah dgn internet connection.tak boleh connect mail,ngn gmail. :'( (1st attempt blogging from hp)
March 16, 2010
Kejayaan adalah milik semua org
Rawak saja tajuk entry kali ni.Isi-isi dalam entry ini juga tidak terkecuali.
Housemates:Fariez selalu chatting dgn Nani eh sekarang?
Fariez:senyum buat muka comel la konon sambil angguk2.
But my brain interpret it as : Suara fariez sembng kuat sangat, sampai kitoang tau fariez sembang dgn siapa.
Action to be taken:
note: bilik mereka 15 langkah kaki org dewasa dr bilik fariez(siapakah mereka?ahaha teka-teki la pulak kan) 15 langkah tu frz agak2 je tak kuasa i nk pergi kira langkah.nnt kantoi la dgn diorg frz cte psl diorng kat blog.ekeke
2.Alhamdulillah.Status org y marah2 kat facebook smlm fariez da setelkan.kesian Fatimah kena kacau pagi-pagi buta;3am.Fariez tak sengaja, sangat gelabah/cuak ayam terus grab hp and called ftimah tanpa sedar Msia adala 6jam awal dr sini.Da setel smlm, pagi-pagi ni, status baru pulak "Bengang.." betul la pepatah omputih ingnorance is bliss.Mari jg ignorance skjap.Hari-hari nak terasa pedas..lettiihhh arr.. ( cuak ayam :i pinjam words u eh syg :P)
3.Rase nak letak lirik lagu lagi kat blg ni.Ni gara-gara baca quote
5.Tuan kepada Mok sikura-kura :Smlm kan, sy rasa pelik sgt dgn korang.Keluar lepak sama,Pergi tengok wayang ,makan-makan and lastly went to sleepover at yur friend.padahal umah masing-masng dekat je? Pelik sbb korang2 adalah lelaki. Sy igt perempuan je y hangout n spend time mcm tu.Naive betul sy. (korang bergosip ke? tp takpela lelaki sama lelaki, kalau lelaki n perempuan buat sleepover, i taknk kawan da ngn u )
6.Exam internal med adalah Lusa!!
hoh banyaknya tak baca lagi (sambil selak lecture note. well, students alex tau tahap ketebalannya)Takut nya.takut sangat-sangat.aaaaa....Bye!!
kejayaan bukan milik semua org, kejayaan HANYA milik orang yang berusaha.
tak usaha,maen fesbuk lepas tu bajet nak success? banyak cantek!!!
tak usaha,maen fesbuk lepas tu bajet nak success? banyak cantek!!!
just thought
March 15, 2010
Salah siapa?
Mesti tuan punya facebook ni tulis status smbil dalam berfikir
"huh, siapa makan cili rase kan la pedasnye"
Apsal ntah Fariez cm rase pedas..haih.
Fariez tgh fikir macam mana nak selesaikan masalah ni.
wish me luck!!
P/s: lagi-lagi masalah dengan facebook ni.
March 12, 2010
jatuh cinta
boleh ke kita jatuh cinta pada ramai lelaki dalam satu-satu masa.
dari sudut ethic sbgai manusia salah tak?
ntah la, merepek je pagi-pagi2 buta ni ( tgk jam:3.58am)
erm.. salah ke ah??agak2?cause i feel so...
tgk jam lagi..da pukul 4 pagi. da tak betul agak nye fariez ni.T___T
(3 hr lagi nak Exam)
boleh kot.
dari sudut ethic sbgai manusia salah tak?
ntah la, merepek je pagi-pagi2 buta ni ( tgk jam:3.58am)
erm.. salah ke ah??agak2?
tgk jam lagi..da pukul 4 pagi. da tak betul agak nye fariez ni.T___T
(3 hr lagi nak Exam)
boleh kot.
just thought
March 10, 2010
The decision..

My decision is to continue reading this pile of lecture notes till the day of examination!hait!
(5 days to go till the final exam )
March 08, 2010
Siapa tak suka Chilis??
Siapa tak suka chilis? tambah-tambah kalau ade org nak belanje makan kan kan? im sure everybody would never say NO :) Harap-harap Liza happy with the treat!!
anyway, smlm kitorang buat surprise birthday celebration for Liza at Chilis downtown. i dont know siapa yang mula-mula come up with the idea to culik Liza.hehehe mesti Nana n Hani!nway the plan was like this..
Nana pretend to be sick and ask liza to accompany her to the clinic,so mase Liza on the way to rumah Nana, Liza punye housemates da keep ready dari belakang pastu tutup mata liza, and culik die pegi Downtown. Meanwhile Fariez, Nana, Hani n the others da siap-siap tunggu dekat Downtown with the cake!
Liza mase tu measti cam da risau2 je. jalan pun sgt slow and setapak-stapak je.Pastu housemates cerita, Liza tak henti-henti jerit. ekeke.Pakcik Taxi siap tanye diorng ni buat ape. Mesti pakcik taxi suspect diorng nk culik Liza.ekeke It was hillarious.
Liza with her housemates( ketawa jahat)
while waiting for Liza
All of us
We really hope Liza njoy her birthday celebration :) Semoga mnjadi salah satu kenangan terindah buat Liza.
Happy birthday Liza!! Muah xoxo
p/s:Liza, u know we are facing the same problems for all this while,(bout our study, relationship n all) Fariez harap Liza tak giv up, because im not going to, kite kene keep on taw.lagi dua tahun je. hait!
okie sambung study !
March 07, 2010
Rihanna - ‘Russian Roulette’
Holla reader,i feel like typing..
This is the cover of Rihanna single, Russian Roulette,sorry i had to cut it half. ( she too sexy to be in my blog). nway i love everything bout this song ; her vocal performance and the lyric.very much.The lyric was written by herself if im not mistaken.I like the video clip also.It said that the lyric and the video clip literally bout a game of Russion Roulette, but metaphorally bout love.Go and figure it out by yourself.
here gos the lyric.njoy!
Take a breath, take it deep
This is the cover of Rihanna single, Russian Roulette,sorry i had to cut it half. ( she too sexy to be in my blog). nway i love everything bout this song ; her vocal performance and the lyric.very much.The lyric was written by herself if im not mistaken.I like the video clip also.It said that the lyric and the video clip literally bout a game of Russion Roulette, but metaphorally bout love.Go and figure it out by yourself.
here gos the lyric.njoy!
Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go
And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must pass this test
So just pull the trigger
Say a prayer to yourself
He says close your eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost
As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late too pick up the value of my life
song lyrics
March 05, 2010
I'm proud to be a women.
in my opinion all women in the world should feel the same.
but nowadays,there so many women trying hard to be a man.Really,I've no idea why.okie,ape nie..cerita pasal perempuan nak jadi lelaki lak, so not my intention.. anyway, to those women who had already set your mind to change your sex from being a beautiful creatures to a tough creatures. i just wanna let u know that, nobody would except u as a least not me.never.
instead, we accept u as a man-to-be/ or what the world refers you as.. a pengkid?( right me if im wrong). people who accept u are people who live in delusion/illusion what ever the term is..woman is woman man is man.God creates it like that.Don't bother to change it.Listen to me, stop trying to be something you are not.(ouch, the truth always hurt.aite)
Women are special.and excuse me, by saying that i don't mean Men are for me, i love being a women..women enjoy shopping, dressing, talking..which a not a typical man would like to do.women may look weak, but actualy we are strong inside..we weep,we cry,we mourn.. but we get better by that.Women are full of love, and i pretty sure a man can see that.
Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya diantaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir.” (Q.S Ar-rum: 21)
Woman nowadays are capable to be anything they want,there are lot of them being an engineer, banker,do outdoor work being a police,pilot, photographer and all, and some of hem are even more skillfull/expert than a man.
what a woman, they are going to be mother.Ever u heard that a child bear by his/her mother is growing up better than without her mum??It may be not a fact, but there is a truth in it.Only mothers can build their children who are the future of the nations in honest ways. By make them honest, mothers can build the nations and even the whole world.Therefore,women are the most respectful persons of the world.All women of the world can make the world beautiful by their beautiful thoughts and works.
I consider every woman great because of their sacred deeds. Thus I proud of myself as a woman.
Ngee,actually i wanna wish ''Selamat Hari Wanita Sedunia'' to all women who happen to read my blog.hope u'll be just as proud as me.Ayuh brusaha mnjadi Wanita solehah :)
I heard that there will be a celebration of Hari wanita Sedunia with 3R (The gorgeous Tini,Rafidah,and Celina) on this 13 March. if u have nothing to do on that day, hye why don't u just join this program. more information go right click HERE
but nowadays,there so many women trying hard to be a man.Really,I've no idea why.okie,ape nie..cerita pasal perempuan nak jadi lelaki lak, so not my intention.. anyway, to those women who had already set your mind to change your sex from being a beautiful creatures to a tough creatures. i just wanna let u know that, nobody would except u as a least not me.never.
instead, we accept u as a man-to-be/ or what the world refers you as.. a pengkid?( right me if im wrong). people who accept u are people who live in delusion/illusion what ever the term is..woman is woman man is man.God creates it like that.Don't bother to change it.Listen to me, stop trying to be something you are not.(ouch, the truth always hurt.aite)
he:D tiba rs nk upload gmbr wanita ni.
Women are special.and excuse me, by saying that i don't mean Men are for me, i love being a women..women enjoy shopping, dressing, talking..which a not a typical man would like to do.women may look weak, but actualy we are strong inside..we weep,we cry,we mourn.. but we get better by that.Women are full of love, and i pretty sure a man can see that.
Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikan-Nya diantaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir.” (Q.S Ar-rum: 21)
Woman nowadays are capable to be anything they want,there are lot of them being an engineer, banker,do outdoor work being a police,pilot, photographer and all, and some of hem are even more skillfull/expert than a man.
what a woman, they are going to be mother.Ever u heard that a child bear by his/her mother is growing up better than without her mum??It may be not a fact, but there is a truth in it.Only mothers can build their children who are the future of the nations in honest ways. By make them honest, mothers can build the nations and even the whole world.Therefore,women are the most respectful persons of the world.All women of the world can make the world beautiful by their beautiful thoughts and works.
I consider every woman great because of their sacred deeds. Thus I proud of myself as a woman.
Ngee,actually i wanna wish ''Selamat Hari Wanita Sedunia'' to all women who happen to read my blog.hope u'll be just as proud as me.Ayuh brusaha mnjadi Wanita solehah :)
I heard that there will be a celebration of Hari wanita Sedunia with 3R (The gorgeous Tini,Rafidah,and Celina) on this 13 March. if u have nothing to do on that day, hye why don't u just join this program. more information go right click HERE
just thought
March 02, 2010
Mission : is to make her happy.
I called my mum yesterday, she was having her drink, evening drink i guess.
she was alone. (that somewhat touch me, for i always wanted to be with her,but i'm not sure myself if im able to do that.. )
nway, i said to mum that most of my friends had already booked their ticket for this coming summer break.and i don't have my ticket yet,( i don't even bother to check for the ticket) which make me feel there is something wrong with im not as excited as before.maybe cause i just come back from Msia a week ago.but others y baru blik dari Msia pun da booked. so there must be something wrong with me!
nah, maybe because im to worried bout the coming exam. yeah maybe..
instead of urging me to buy the ticket, mum asked bout me coming back for this 19 of June.That is really surprising.U know, we already had a deal before, that im going back for wintr break and will stay in alex till this summer.Mum said i dont have to be there this June.
But eventually, she was asking me bout it. Doesn't that indirectly means she wants me to balik Msia this June?
I m sure there will be a non stop class with no break for the next Clinical Round.which mean if i wanna go back, i have to skip the classes.haih, i wish i am clever enough to be able to score without going to class. -_- anyway, me myself want to go back! for the Truth that im starting to hate my life in Alex! and i want to accompany my Mum.especially when at the time she needs me the most.
so, deal, i'll skip the classes.just for a week. it will not harm me much, i think.Does it?? but what if i'll have an exam on that day?? uh!( hari2 nak dekat exam kene risau psl bende2 mcm ni.)uh!
Whatever it is, i guess i must book the tiket for the summer break, or else I've to pay more,u know, the price will just rise up sesuka hati.or worst, there is no more seat available, even worst kene balik lambt than others! NO WAY!
owh thanks for reading 

just thought
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