June 30, 2008
June 29, 2008
IGNORE him! (if only i could)
how could i not blog bout this.
the email that i read yesterday keep haunting me.
"u better hate me coz i already hate u..awak bkn sesiapa lg...u'r NOTHING...." i better not reading it at the very first time. tapi kalau tak bace, how culd i noe that someone hate me that much. i bet he was very angry at that time. (and even till now, he is) die repeat ayat "sy benci awak" like banyak kali.and he hate me the most.he said he felt like idiot for knowing me. is it wut u really feel dear?hokie fine.
since i noe him, die tak penah benci kat org, die tak penah marah sape2, die sgt sabar, he is so cool. he always noe the right things to do.he handled problem so well,( he was one of PRS member back in school,Presiden of PRS, which i adored most at that time.) but.. god,wut i've done. i've turn him into a person y penuh dgn kebencian. is it? :(
i dunno, i really can captured this weirdo feeling in words.
i dunno wut shud i do.nani cakap, i shud do nothing, dun text him,dun email him, just get away from him . I G N O R E him .giving him time would be the best. focusing on the next paper. go on life as before, and later, by time, he'll understand and heal himself.hani pun cakap mcm tue.
tapi td, die online, mule2 rs cm tak nk tegur.tapi last2 fariez tegur jugak.noe wut. die trus offline. mmg die sgt marah kn. weird, tangan fariez cm mengeletar time tue. n speechless, seyes.hm,sume pun da besar kn, die mesti tau ape y patut die buat.and i bet he noe the best thing to do is to be invisible to me. okie la, as u wish!
i noe it's not nessecery to post about this.(i just cant help it).let me burst it out. if u feel like dun want to read my daily life stuff.then that's okie.but u r reading till here, so im sorry for that. ;)
thanks to all supporter.
the email that i read yesterday keep haunting me.
"u better hate me coz i already hate u..awak bkn sesiapa lg...u'r NOTHING...."
since i noe him, die tak penah benci kat org, die tak penah marah sape2, die sgt sabar, he is so cool. he always noe the right things to do.he handled problem so well,( he was one of PRS member back in school,Presiden of PRS, which i adored most at that time.) but.. god,wut i've done. i've turn him into a person y penuh dgn kebencian. is it? :(
i dunno, i really can captured this weirdo feeling in words.
i dunno wut shud i do.nani cakap, i shud do nothing, dun text him,dun email him, just get away from him . I G N O R E him .giving him time would be the best. focusing on the next paper. go on life as before, and later, by time, he'll understand and heal himself.hani pun cakap mcm tue.
tapi td, die online, mule2 rs cm tak nk tegur.tapi last2 fariez tegur jugak.noe wut. die trus offline. mmg die sgt marah kn. weird, tangan fariez cm mengeletar time tue. n speechless, seyes.hm,sume pun da besar kn, die mesti tau ape y patut die buat.and i bet he noe the best thing to do is to be invisible to me. okie la, as u wish!
i noe it's not nessecery to post about this.(i just cant help it).let me burst it out. if u feel like dun want to read my daily life stuff.then that's okie.but u r reading till here, so im sorry for that. ;)
thanks to all supporter.
June 28, 2008
hidup bagai roda
org cakap, hidup nie macam roda..
bile kita kat atas, tak selamanya kita kat situ..
silap la, bagi orang y pikir diri dia akan selalu kat atas.
bila kat bawah, rase macam, diri dia la y paling malang..
hidup dia la y paling complicated..
datang la sape2 pun, cuba bukakan mata dia..
cuba btau y hidup mmg tak selalu indah.
nape dia susah nak terima..?
p/s: nani, iman ,nawwar n fairuz.maceh!
bile kita kat atas, tak selamanya kita kat situ..
silap la, bagi orang y pikir diri dia akan selalu kat atas.
bila kat bawah, rase macam, diri dia la y paling malang..
hidup dia la y paling complicated..
datang la sape2 pun, cuba bukakan mata dia..
cuba btau y hidup mmg tak selalu indah.
nape dia susah nak terima..?
yakinkan ku untuk terus berdiri
p/s: nani, iman ,nawwar n fairuz.maceh!
June 25, 2008
they said.
Why are you trying to be all things to all people? It's admirable to want to
help everyone, but it is not realistic to expect yourself to be able to do it.
Instead, focus on doing the one or two things you can do, today -- spend time
with the one or two people you have time for. Not everyone can fit into your
busy life right now, so don't worry about saying 'no' to someone who wants to
see you. They'll understand -- just like you understood when they were busy.
jangan pandang belakang.
nie bukan cte hantu pierre andre okie.
23 julai. fariez tak tahu fariez buat keputusan y betul ke tak.
lame da fariez pikir since bulan 2 rtu.
konon2 nak pikir masak2 kan.
(bile nak cukup masak tak tahu la~)
pastue konon2,cm, urgh malas nk pikir.
pastue cam blik msia nnt la pikir..
pape ntah.
yang fariez tahu,
fariez nak buat keputusan ya tak sakitkn hati orang,
tak nak sape2 sedey.
tak nak ade org kecewa.
tak nak org tue benci kt fariez.
tapi takde lak choice camtue.malang tul~
y paling tak best, dua2 choice y ade, dua2 akan buat fariez sedey.
sape2 y bace entry kali nie, mesti cam sgt blur..
sebab cam "sesuatu" je fariez nie..bukan nk cte betul2.
ntah la,malas la nk cte. tak tahu nk start cte dr mane pun..
bagi fariez, bende nie complicated.sgt~ :'(
org slalu cakap,"think with yur head, not with yur heart"
huh.ckp senang kn..adoi2!sakit kepale guek!
sebab tgh berusaha pikir dgn kepala.
dari pade sakit hati..baek la sakit kepala.ade paracetamol.
tapi hari nie, fariez da setelkn sume.
fariez da decide. sume nye fariez serahkn pada ALLAH.
tawakal pada NYa je, mampu buat fariez tenang.
fariez tak nak pandang belakang, tak nk patah balik.
fariez melepaskan ape y da lepas...
semoga ALLAH bagi fariez kekuatan.
(birthday Barak eh, hr tue, sgt kebetulan.)
23 julai. fariez tak tahu fariez buat keputusan y betul ke tak.
lame da fariez pikir since bulan 2 rtu.
konon2 nak pikir masak2 kan.
(bile nak cukup masak tak tahu la~)
pastue konon2,cm, urgh malas nk pikir.
pastue cam blik msia nnt la pikir..
pape ntah.
yang fariez tahu,
fariez nak buat keputusan ya tak sakitkn hati orang,
tak nak sape2 sedey.
tak nak ade org kecewa.
tak nak org tue benci kt fariez.
tapi takde lak choice camtue.malang tul~
y paling tak best, dua2 choice y ade, dua2 akan buat fariez sedey.
sape2 y bace entry kali nie, mesti cam sgt blur..
sebab cam "sesuatu" je fariez nie..bukan nk cte betul2.
ntah la,malas la nk cte. tak tahu nk start cte dr mane pun..
bagi fariez, bende nie complicated.sgt~ :'(
org slalu cakap,"think with yur head, not with yur heart"
huh.ckp senang kn..adoi2!sakit kepale guek!
sebab tgh berusaha pikir dgn kepala.
dari pade sakit hati..baek la sakit kepala.ade paracetamol.
tapi hari nie, fariez da setelkn sume.
fariez da decide. sume nye fariez serahkn pada ALLAH.
tawakal pada NYa je, mampu buat fariez tenang.
fariez tak nak pandang belakang, tak nk patah balik.
fariez melepaskan ape y da lepas...
semoga ALLAH bagi fariez kekuatan.
(birthday Barak eh, hr tue, sgt kebetulan.)
June 17, 2008
June 15, 2008
1st date.
"cool down fariez, being nervous on your 1st date meeting is normal"
fuh2.rase nervous mcm nak g oral exam pathology je.
fariez nak jumpe a guy, y fariez knal tru ym.
(ouh ,im was having soo much free time during the holidays after spm, that i got online like everyday, make a new friends from the net)
useless la posting entry psl nie.lagi rs takut ade la.
fuh2.rase nervous mcm nak g oral exam pathology je.
fariez nak jumpe a guy, y fariez knal tru ym.
(ouh ,im was having soo much free time during the holidays after spm, that i got online like everyday, make a new friends from the net)
useless la posting entry psl nie.lagi rs takut ade la.
June 14, 2008
June 13, 2008
7 secrets in yur room
Roof said: Aim high
Fan said: Be cool
Clock said: Every min. is precious
Mirror said: Reflect before you act
Window said: See the world
Calender said: Be up-to-date
Door said: Push hard to achieve ur goals.
Fan said: Be cool
Clock said: Every min. is precious
Mirror said: Reflect before you act
Window said: See the world
Calender said: Be up-to-date
Door said: Push hard to achieve ur goals.
June 12, 2008
p a y i s h

it was last year, when eyina first called me PAYISH.
n it was also my first time to called her EYINA.
we were at Cairo at that time,
were about to return to MALAYSIA for summer break.
look now, it's almost the end of my 2nd year.
another summer break will come soon.
gosh. time goes so fast isn't it,
it just fly away silently,
only those who care would realize.
bout the picca.
was taken by EYINA, click to eyina's flickr
im just have soo many thing to do,
(well, malaysia is near, but final exam is way nearer)
but end up editing this pic.
till then.chaow~
June 09, 2008
:) wewe~
i am in a jolly HAPPY good mood.
*i wake up earlier than yesterday this morning!not using alarm, not because any wake up call from anybody, and not because anyone. (jgn percaye, sy tpu.)
*well, i ve done with biochemistry practical exam this morning. ;)
the fact that i did not have any enough time while answering the question, did not make me feel that bad, so im pretty happy for not being affected by that, may i said, teribble situation ever.
( seriusly, the time went damn fast okie, i dun think we got one minute for each question.i just finished reading the question and suddenly, the Doctor said "move". i could not even take a breath, and my hand was in tremors. my hand writting was horrible. the most cakar ayam punye tulisan.
*during the titration of the urine i did not break any beaker,burrete and all.even tho, my hand was shaking like crazeee.sgt lega! my friend did make the burrete broke into two. the one who sit infront of me.
*today is my turn to go the market.wohoo~ the freezer shud be empty already by today. tapi ade lagi ikan untuk hr ni. so no need to go to the market today!!
*will having the last practical exam tomorrow.yahoo!!
im happy to tell that i already revised the atlas for unkireable time.
sgt bagus kah sy.*perasan*
okie2.wanna make a call! :)
*i wake up earlier than yesterday this morning!not using alarm, not because any wake up call from anybody, and not because anyone. (jgn percaye, sy tpu.)
*well, i ve done with biochemistry practical exam this morning. ;)
the fact that i did not have any enough time while answering the question, did not make me feel that bad, so im pretty happy for not being affected by that, may i said, teribble situation ever.
( seriusly, the time went damn fast okie, i dun think we got one minute for each question.i just finished reading the question and suddenly, the Doctor said "move". i could not even take a breath, and my hand was in tremors. my hand writting was horrible. the most cakar ayam punye tulisan.
*during the titration of the urine i did not break any beaker,burrete and all.even tho, my hand was shaking like crazeee.sgt lega! my friend did make the burrete broke into two. the one who sit infront of me.
*today is my turn to go the market.wohoo~ the freezer shud be empty already by today. tapi ade lagi ikan untuk hr ni. so no need to go to the market today!!
*will having the last practical exam tomorrow.yahoo!!
im happy to tell that i already revised the atlas for unkireable time.
sgt bagus kah sy.*perasan*
okie2.wanna make a call! :)
June 05, 2008
berikut adalah pesanan dari kawan y sedar betapa meniru itu perbuatan y tak sepatutnye berlaku ketika peperiksaan.anda diminta membaca nye sebelum memasuki dewan peperiksaan.
(meningatkan hati ini, menigatkan hati-hati kawan ku yang laen)
bagi fariez, meniru waktu exam ni terang2 la satu kesalahan.dari sekolah rendah lagi cikgu da cakap,jgn meniru..tiap2 kali exam, cikgu tak lupe nak ingtakn,"jgn meniru".masuk sekolah menegah cikgu pesan2 lagi. "kalau awak meniru, tak berkat ape y awak buat, bukan ke kita hidup nie nak kn keberkatan?? jadi,nape perlu meniru..?
kalau markah awak tinggi sebab meniru. ape y awak rase??tiada kepuasan di situ okie. anyway nape nk meniru pun??sebab takut fail?erm, marilah kite study dr skng.itu la satu-satu nya jalan tak nak fail..tak tahu jawapan time exam, mintak pertolongn dr ALLAH.tawakkal je. takdapat jawab juga?? erm,ape lagi hemtam saja lah..itukn lagi bagus dr kite meniru..bile keluar result nnt redha je..kan kn kn..?hai,sekarang da masuk u, nak kne btau lagi rupenye..
meniru itu perbuatan y tak elok. jgn buat!
kes laen pulak pasal bagi kawan meniru.cikgu cakap.."awak igt kwn awak tue betul ke, y awak nk tru jawapan die?"
"ish, kwn sy nie pndai,mesti la betul" (sempat lagi menjawab..dlm hati je la tapi)he~
selalu nye tak smpai hati tak nk tolong kwn,erm..bab nie frz no k0men la.
tepuk dada tanya la iman..
kes y ketiga..iaitu org y ketiga, y melihat kejadian kanak-kanak saling membantu, meniru.jika anda di tempat kejadian apakah y akan anda lakukan?
all of above.
sile pilih dr pilihan diatas.he~
rasenye majoriti mmg buat2 tak nmpak. betul la kn.. kalau tak mesti before nie ade je y kantoi sbb meniru..cmne kalau suatu hari ade org y angkat tangan'pastue ckp" mereka meniru" smbil menunjukkn ke arah sipolan dan kawan nye y muke bersahaja konon tak bersalah itu.(ade ke pun org y berani, buat cmtue. mungkin shiha berani..o0o0 lupe, tempat duduk shiha di depan sekali, sudah pasti die tak nmpak siapa y meniru) frz tak ade kekuatan nk buat cmtue, hanye mampu pandang, (ingt balik) selalu nye dgn muke y tak senyum la..
erm, mungkin exam kali nie sy akan lebih berani.hehehe.. so sape y duk dekat2 fariez meniru la kalau nk kantoi.hik hik hik.
argh, apakah~
lagi 3 minggu nak study, sepatutnye terlebey cukup mase ini.bagi mereka y telah mule study.frz da mule sket.(mak ckp, nape la baru sket??) er..rs bersalah..frz tgh sibuk nk g bulan nie..hehe.
ish merapu je. key la.da~
(meningatkan hati ini, menigatkan hati-hati kawan ku yang laen)
Benda simple je ni. Kalo sayang kawan, jgn bagi die tiru time pekse. Kalo
nampak org tiru, angkat tangan & terus report, takyah teragak2 or takut kene
pukul,REPORT JE!!!.. Gap antara paper da 2- 3 ari. ada bnyak ari lg nk pulun
nih. Korg yg dtg lecture, ade yg study kt rumah, ade yg study awal,ade yg study
lambat, korg yg penat pulun, penat buat nota, study group lg, siap buat soalan
lg, ade yg overtime jumpe professor n etc .. org lain plak senang2 tiru..(kalo
study tu takpela jgk,ni x study lansung...) Mestila korg tak puas hati kan? So
sbg batu api, aku nasihatkan x yah bg tiru& REPORT JE bdak2 yg meniru. Jalan
penyelesaiaannye, studyla selagi masih sempat. Study tak hina, tiru tu hina.
Kalo fail repeat. Nak tiru takyah amek medicla.Syadid skit ek. tq.
bagi fariez, meniru waktu exam ni terang2 la satu kesalahan.dari sekolah rendah lagi cikgu da cakap,jgn meniru..tiap2 kali exam, cikgu tak lupe nak ingtakn,"jgn meniru".masuk sekolah menegah cikgu pesan2 lagi. "kalau awak meniru, tak berkat ape y awak buat, bukan ke kita hidup nie nak kn keberkatan?? jadi,nape perlu meniru..?
kalau markah awak tinggi sebab meniru. ape y awak rase??tiada kepuasan di situ okie. anyway nape nk meniru pun??sebab takut fail?erm, marilah kite study dr skng.itu la satu-satu nya jalan tak nak fail..tak tahu jawapan time exam, mintak pertolongn dr ALLAH.tawakkal je. takdapat jawab juga?? erm,ape lagi hemtam saja lah..itukn lagi bagus dr kite meniru..bile keluar result nnt redha je..kan kn kn..?hai,sekarang da masuk u, nak kne btau lagi rupenye..
meniru itu perbuatan y tak elok. jgn buat!
kes laen pulak pasal bagi kawan meniru.cikgu cakap.."awak igt kwn awak tue betul ke, y awak nk tru jawapan die?"
"ish, kwn sy nie pndai,mesti la betul" (sempat lagi menjawab..dlm hati je la tapi)he~
selalu nye tak smpai hati tak nk tolong kwn,erm..bab nie frz no k0men la.
tepuk dada tanya la iman..
kes y ketiga..iaitu org y ketiga, y melihat kejadian kanak-kanak saling membantu, meniru.jika anda di tempat kejadian apakah y akan anda lakukan?
all of above.
sile pilih dr pilihan diatas.he~
rasenye majoriti mmg buat2 tak nmpak. betul la kn.. kalau tak mesti before nie ade je y kantoi sbb meniru..cmne kalau suatu hari ade org y angkat tangan'pastue ckp" mereka meniru" smbil menunjukkn ke arah sipolan dan kawan nye y muke bersahaja konon tak bersalah itu.(ade ke pun org y berani, buat cmtue. mungkin shiha berani..o0o0 lupe, tempat duduk shiha di depan sekali, sudah pasti die tak nmpak siapa y meniru) frz tak ade kekuatan nk buat cmtue, hanye mampu pandang, (ingt balik) selalu nye dgn muke y tak senyum la..
erm, mungkin exam kali nie sy akan lebih berani.hehehe.. so sape y duk dekat2 fariez meniru la kalau nk kantoi.hik hik hik.
argh, apakah~
lagi 3 minggu nak study, sepatutnye terlebey cukup mase ini.bagi mereka y telah mule study.frz da mule sket.(mak ckp, nape la baru sket??) er..rs bersalah..frz tgh sibuk nk g bulan nie..hehe.
ish merapu je. key la.da~
June 01, 2008
born brave.

-zack imran-
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