June 20, 2011

what's left?

Aktiviti sengaja menyeksa diri - tengok gambar makanan waktu lapar. T_T

Anyway, kitorang pergi Balba' (seafood restaurant @Downtown ) last week to celebrate her 23rd biryhday. This time around, we plan nothing, no birthday surprise party instead we just had a simple iftar/dinner together.

Truthly, tak rasa happening sangat,it's sebab xxxx wasn't around? i dont know or it might be just me. Macam mana ntah nak cakap,malam tu kan i don't know how to react and can't analysis exactly how i feel.Like something is missing,seriously, but cant hardly figure out what it is.ya know what i mean? (like i care anyway)

yang pasti, i was so helpless and had no willing power to thrw it out.you know, like we used to do with bff ,we just speak out what bothering us something like that. Tapi malam tu i rather just sit in silent, melayan last year memories which is left.

Last but not least Happy Birthday dearie.

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